
@Killer Toilet: Did you play GoW2? The Locust were using the Rockworm to turn the crust into swiss cheese so they could escape the plague that was consuming their species. In a last ditch attempt to stop the Locust you blew apart the 3 remaining rock supports and sank Jacinto and flooded the city and the Locust

Guess it looks like we're going back to Jacinto.

I might buy the collector's of the Protoss edition if the art books are race specific.


@CFStang: wow other people beat me to the awesomely bad puns

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say its a good idea. Looks like we'll have to pay an arm and a leg for ammo too.

Great I'll get to hear my roommates yell more racial epithets and remarks about other supposed players' sexually abused childhoods. Really glad they won't be living with me next year seeing that one of them is basically a racist.

Looks like a videogame version of the group game Assassins, which I love to play.

GDC is next week. Valve is doing this whole Portal viral thing. Wouldn't surprise me if IW is doing something as well.

@Windrummerboy: Oh yeah I would love an Inquisition based game. Done in the style of Mass Effect, it seems very fitting and you could juggle all the aspects of that type of story with the combat, RPG elements, and space travel.

It says "Price of Persia" not "Prince"

Sounds like R* is justifying the working conditions by saying "If we didn't work these people like sweat shop workers in Indonesia then you wouldn't have these great games." Its sort of sick that they are using this tactic. Trying to get us to side with them through the thing we love.

@surft: Its run by this kid called L

good, give me time for ME2 and GOW3.

@Gundem: Well I wasn't near a save point. Plus I considered it, um, "burning in" of my PS3 hardware.

I think I left FF8 on pause for like 2-3 days last year.

@Gray Harvest: RDA needs to return to Pandora with a detachment of the Ordos Xenos and the Ultramarines.

@Dayvie: Holiday money is socked away for ME2, GoW3, and FFXIII.

Uncharted 2 and enough money to cover ME2, FF13, and GOW 3 in the new year.