
@excaliburps: saying things quietly and THEN YELLING THE SAME THING always gets results.

Love the new season, a lot better in my opinion than season 6. Some great one-liners so far. Yea it still has that far-fetched thing of mid-level agency people being able to get right to the president, but it is still entertaining. I sort of feel like I'm watching a version of SC: DA play out on the screen though

Everyone keeps saying E3, but what about GDC? Already we have Bioware saying they will be showing off some of Mass Effect 2. There may be some other reveals at GDC, but yes E3 should definately have some big guns taken out seeing that it is returning to a slightly larger format.

@denki: The article did say they were in Japanese arcades. And Ashcraft wrote a book on the culture in Japan around arcades, so I think it fits. I enjoy reading these small pieces on other cultures, sure its not pure studio gaming news, but we need a reprieve from that every once and a while.

Would love to hear Stephen Fry narrate this level.

Everyone is forgetting the 12,000 calorie eating mini-game.

@Wizzard: Getting a PS3 with my Xmas money this year too. Should be fun.

Finally picking up a PS3 after Xmas, have to decide if I want the Uncharted bundle or just the normal no frills PS3. Though I am pissed about lack of BC, have some PS2 games I want to finish.

Somebody get Vyse and the Delphinus to help take down those Gigas

This is good news. Been wanting to play Dead Space and after I couldn't find it at my local Blockbuster to rent I was bummed I might not be able to try it out. EA has come through again and this raises them another few feet out of the hole they dug themselves into over the last few years, IMO.

If a game has the right story that captures me I am fully invested in finishing it. Mass Effect, Bioshock, Gears 2 (Gears 1 has me stuck at RAAM), God of War, Shenmue, and Skies of Arcadia all had that story element that somehow just struck the right chord with me. I still have Eternal Sonata, Lost Odyssey, GTA 4,

Awesome, now my weekend has just gotten much, much better.

Curse you World Tour. Only one Plastic Band Rhythm Game has my heart and wallet and that would be Rock Band. I love the Killers, there is just something about them that you can put on one of their records and just listen. They're one of my guilty pleasures in music.

If they just found food, he very well may have dehydrated.

On the Arbiter card it says "Sangheili is the Arbiter in the Halo Series". Correct me if I'm wrong, but in all the canon Halo literature it says the Sangheili is the name of the species of alien who serve as the Elites.

Ditched my GoW2 preorder for this game. I simply love his game, it is so fresh and new feeling. I doubted the ability to get the visceral excitement of parkour into a game, but Dice nailed it nicely in my opinion.

In some ways yes, but it seems like Bethesda went back and fixed some problems that were with Oblivion. My biggest relief has been they removed the talking "game" that Oblivion employed. I also felt like the introduction sequence in FO3 was handled much better than Oblivion, it makes you care about the character and

@GlItCh017: But there is a certain je ne sais qua to the midnight release.