
i work in consumer packaged goods. this is just a best case scenario… we use nut facts this large on about 25% of food packaging. usually its a much more truncated form, since we're limited by size constrains.

I'm using the suction cup mount, but I don't tether it. I also like to move it around on different runs to get different angles, so that might make tethering it more difficult.

Damn... I was hoping for something to help stability when my GoPro is attached to the outside of my car at high speeds.

They are a little young so not surprised they hadn't done a donut. Next stop...rock climbing on Moab :)

For me, it's bad app and web design on local ones. I use Chase, and I haven't paid a dime of fees to them outside of ordering more checks ever, but one time I looked at a local credit union I could join, and blech. They had bad enough site design that I started to worry about their security. If I were paying actual

Yup shooting across a road is a felony offense for good reason.

And this is what he does in his spare time.

Colby: 'What is your rank?'
Harrison: 'I'm the cook'
Colby: 'You're the cook?!...they always survive'

Time to get a USB-Ethernet adapter

Wooooo rockin' XP. Nice!

yep. Well, since he wasn't this brilliant and talented just overnight, he may have already been laid, lots.

People believe this will work so unrealistically. I have been jot and squeezed there and could still throw a hit or two.
If a woman just relies on this to save her life, she is putting herself in danger by staying close enough to the attacker. If he can use his arms and legs, he can knock her out or even kill her

Goku could do it instanteously.. Just saying

Oh great, you had to go and ruin rape for me!

can't do much for a deer when you break all its legs and ribs; would you rather it bleed out in agony for hours or drag itself back on the road and kill a family on their way to school? I had to finish off a deer once with the tire iron that came with my nissan; I think it's part of the responsibility you take on

I'm more than certain that some parts of science as a whole contradict some of religions founding philosophie. I've obviously miss-worded my little blurb here, and people seem to think I'm anti religion. I most certainly am not. I think people should have faith. Perhaps not blind faith or devotion to a man-made

Just tried to activate my apple tv with HBO GO on Directv. But it's not listed Its strange they allow it via AirPlay but not directly using the Apple TV

That is the funniest thing I've read all day. Kudos to your daughter, sir. *tips hat*

When I was looking to buy my first house a few years ago, we were looking at one that had a bedroom in the basement that was all cheery, with rainbows and stars and stuff painted on the walls. A pink bed, toys, all that stuff... When we left the room, I noticed a latch on the outside of the door for a padlock.