
I use the moons of Saturn.

i use a locally made pre-shave oil, some good shaving cream, a merker HD double edge, and some feather blades. never had a better shave.

Same here, my SuperDrive has NEVER worked. Not since day 1. And I'm not about to go lugging in a 27" iMac 45 minutes to the store. Those things are damn heavy! I have an optical drive on my server in my server rack, so I'm good anyway.

I love me some Pho. I always get the shrimp vermicelli salad and spring rolls. I've ALWAYS strayed away from this stuff because I just wasn't sure on how hot it was, or how it may change my beloved Pho. I am now headed to the market to buy some. I've recently started putting my eggs on a tortilla slathered in salsa

well, if he was going faster than sound, he wouldnt have heard a thing :-)

All they would have to do is give me the opportunity! I would do it in a heartbeat.

You know what would be awesome? Imagine Einstein, alive today, with today's technology. Put him, Galileo, Curie, Turing, Bohr, Newton and of course Hawking in a lab with all of the world's technology available to them. Imagine what they could do!

27" 2011 iMac on my desk, 2012 13" MBA on my lap. The combo works GREAT.

Ok, enough is enough. I have a GoPro Camera. Why can't I be this badass??? Redbull? Anyone??? Call me.

I get 30 days each year plus 5 I roll over from the previous year to be used by March. And no, i don't take it all. Since I can work remotely, any time I am in the office during the day and I have to log on at night or over the weekend from home to finish stuff up, my manager comps me those hours back. I'm a database

Yeah - my couch downstairs. I have a desk, etc, but i'm more comfortable working with my laptop on my lap (pillow) on my couch.

Excellent point made good sir! I was honestly taken aback when I saw how well made their products are when I had them in hand. They are on another level than most products for sure.

While I agree that yes, it may be boring, but it still is going to sell a shitload of units and make Apple metric tonnes of cash money.

i might try this. i train jiu-jitsu religiously and my feet are thrashed. BUT, the callouses and rough spots make for great armor when barefoot and when i have an itch, my heels are great leg scratchers.

given good hardware, WebOS would have been great. It really was ahead of its time, it jsut didnt have the support because of really crappy hardware tarnishing it. Give it a month and it will be on a Galaxy Tab. And will fly. I WISH GOOG would have purchased it though.

I have a Chevy 305 crate engine on standby for this puppy.

installed upgrade last night, lets see how it goes :-/

Yeah, I went to ML on my new Air that I got just before ML was released. Definite battery difference. On previous OS, I could easily last all evening without having to plug in. Now after about 4 hours of homework, im finding myself needing to run and grab my charger. Also, i HATE how it takes longer to login now. If i

They should have put like a skull and crossbones or a DefCon badge easter egg SOMEWHERE on that Rover. that would be simply epic.

a cement wall is an appetizer for that knife! my new bk2 comes today!!!!