
We got ANNIHILATED the other night here in central Iowa. Granted, it lasted for all of 10 minutes and resulted in about .02" of rain, but it was crazy. that says a lot here in the midwest. it has got to be a pretty serious mofo for us to call it crazy.

saw it. drool!!!!

Kind of presumptuous don't you think?

DO WANT. how much??????

Yeah, one of our fighters got MRSA. His right shin blows up nice and big every now and then. Has to go get it drained and leaves a nice pencil sized hole in his leg. Its some gross shit. The worst I've got is ringworm. Thank God. But seriously, TAKE A SHOWER after practice and you will have no problems at all.

lol! bad choice of words. at least wipe the seat free of the rats nest you leave behind.

At my office, everyone knows when I take a shit. If they see me walking down the hallway with Wet Ones (anti-bac wipes) in my back pocket, I'm headed to the turd bowl. No way I'm sitting on the porcelain without wiping it down. There are 4 stalls on my floor for over 400 workers. On a floor heavily dominated by

WTF is wrong with these guys? I get up early, get my girls ready for school, take them to school, go to work, pick them up from school, make them dinner, get them in the bath, do whatever else needs done around the house, put them to bed. Every day. My wife sleeps in until 7 or 8, is off work by 2 usually, works out,

im with you. i recently got a 2012 Air for Father's Day and I love it. I was worried about the 128 at first, but I keep a 32GB Class 10 SD card in my pocket for quick external storage (photos, music, etc) because there is no reason to haul around my entire music/photo library. when im travelling, i have a 500GB

what????? so i went a little overboard with the cameras. they are used strictly for security purposes only. honest! (lol) X^D

Wireless in my house is damn near useless - too many devices and too much square footage. I could do some crafty networking to segregate stuff, but I'm too lazy for that lol.

Hmmm.. After reading this, I know a guy who I would LOVE to have Anon go after. He messed with my family in a bad way. Wonder if they take requests?

One word: spaghettification

In one of the women's self defense classes my mom consulted on (as part of the state patrol) they reinforced the fact that if you are ever attacked by a male (rape, for example) to try like hell to free an arm and pinch a testicle between your thumb and forefinger. She said it will pop like a grape. Oh fuck no.

can i get an AMEN???? My future ex-wife Mila Kunis must have security issues possibly? I mean first it was the Home Alone wierdo. And now douche-of-all-douches Kutcher. Where does it stop? Ultimate awesome - Mila + Chris Hemsworth.

I just use the excuse that I stopped so fast he didn't have time for it to process. It's worked once. :-/

Ashton and Mila?? NOOOOOOOOO!!!! Mila, you, you can't. You just.... CAN'T.

I LOVE my GoPro. I use it all the time. Got a few good examples:

Here's my vote.

I honestly just punched my monitor. Thank you for this! It appears that it's true what they say - if you suck enough cock, your face freezes like this. Interesting.