
Ahh, this reminds me a bit of the LIFE experiment that was meant to send an assortment of microorganisms on a 3 year space adventure, then study the effects. Sadly, it was lost along with Fobos-Grunt when the rocket failed, and it burnt up in the atmosphere.

This is settled law. The caselaw is on the side of the tracker. Now I’m just waiting for a state to ban the tracking of private jets.

Musk announces plan to move Twitter HQ to Texas in 3...2...1...

One reason I keep wearing my (admittedly, cloth) mask. It’s a nice space heater for the schnoz.

We get a bunch of Tesla employees at the local bar I frequent. It’s always either a bunch of old guys who look just absolutely defeated, or a bunch of really young guys who never shut the fuck up.

He’s good at looking smart, and he used to be surrounded by people that pushed him to see what might actually be smart.

TIE fighter parts was my original guess too!

Yeah, I really figured they were some sort of inner hub for TIE fighter wings which would’ve made perfect sense too considering how many the Empire needs, but this was way cooler for me.

Similarly, I have $2.2 billion dollars worth of garden hoses in my garage, because I have 2, and each are valued at $1.1 billion each, according to what I say they’re worth, so therefore this must be quite the accurate and normal way to judge and assign value.

Finally. Now, does it come with a manual tranny? (ducking).

Up front, there’s a new lighting array that is modern, without being too much like a sci-fi gimmick.

Shocked I tell you!

Mace Windu comes off as EXTREMELY wooden and rigid in the Tales episodes. He’s basically just a mouth piece for doing things by the book, and has all the personality of a droid.

Sir Christopher was a man of great cape experience.

But I think some folks now take it at face value that Anakin turned to the dark side because he wanted attachments, and not that he turned because it was un healthy to deny them.

Good... Good... I for see you becoming a powerful Sith. Henceforth, you’ll be known as Darth... Matt as in what do you call someone with no arms or legs lying on the ground? Matt... Darth Matt.

They absolutely have missed the point.

the Jedi Order is broken beyond repair

I worry that some of the folks writing star wars now may have missed the point of the films stance on attachments. The subtext of the first six films is that the jedi were wrong and Luke is right to appeal to his father’s better self. But I think some folks now take it at face value that Anakin turned to the dark side