Uhhhh, because shit like this could happen at a LOT less speed?
To all the idiots saying he could only have killed himself, he was doing 186mph. This van was doing 65 when it was hit by a bike not even doing 120.
If a merging car got in his way, I'd imagine he was in the right(wrong) lane.
"Honestly, Fido loves when we do triple digits with him unrestrained in the back seat."
Git your bananapeelinhands off me
I hate those goddamn luggage racks.
Can you not go back and add this "other side of the story" to the article??
Judging by the rims and trim I'd say it's more than likely a Laredo.
You reallllly can't hear the bassline in that clip. Sucks bc it's so rhythmic too. Anyway, I'm starting to venture on in these parts so I'm right here with you mang!
If you're going to grill salmon (especially Asian style) I highly recommend cooking it on a cedar plank. Its excellent.
I was just wondering the same. I found it here. []
Basically, depending on what they sell it for.
And it's the 2.8, not the 3.6.