
....and gross

Whoa whoa whoa what??? This cat *died*??? Damn..... I haven't been on Jalopnik in waaaaayyy too long. I needs my fix, but don't have time <3

haha indeeeeed my friend, indeeed. I had an account when it was only college folk allowed. Got all my fam's info from around the world, realized how bad privacy on the internet can be, and deactivated my account like 2 or 3 years ago. Haven't looked back since!

Lol firrrrst time ever on Gizmodo. I just bought a Gunship Banks from Whiskey Militia for 50% offfff!!!!!!!!!! I hope I love this worn idea though, didn't even know about it when i bought it....

Because it fucking sucks???

I had a high school buddy that would do that *all* the damn time.

I love your name. "Dear sweet zombie Jesus...."

This has been on Cardomain for *yeeeaaaars* now. IIRC he has something north of a FOUR INCH BODY LIFT on the damn thing. Just how lax are you Brits????


Damn you guys had some cool toys growing up. I, on the other hand, had a subscription to R/C Car Magazine.....I do, now, have a Losi LST2 and LOVE(d) it till I basically snapped it in half t boning a 6x6 on a full speed run. Man oh man is it easy to procrastinate putting this thing back together.

Goddamnit that's awesome.

Are you looking to adopt???

We don't need no stinkin' diff locks (but they sure would have been convenient).

I also figured something else was wrong. Might have even been diabetes related. I didn't see brake lights *once*. Even a texter would correct themselves. This guy was literally all over the road.

I toured Tech and didn't feel my 2.7/1220 would let me in so I didn't apply. Applied to VCU/ODU; got in to both; decided it's basically the same urban environment so I stayed closer to home. I might have gotten into even *more* mischief had I been up in Richmond. Who knows....

If it were my money I'd be smiling all the way to the graveyard in that thing.

Needs more whitewall!

"The *Compass* seemed like a good idea at the time"???? To *who*?

"Who else can say that a red light camera got them out of a ticket?"