Thank you very much. Tried googling the lyrics to no avail.
Thank you very much. Tried googling the lyrics to no avail.
"This is what your brain looks like *all the time*."
Song??? Dylan????
They'll find some minor seismologic interruption and say " SEE it's a sign!"
What were guns designed to do? What were cars designed to do? What do most people use a gun's purpose for? What do most people use a car's purpose for? I think equating guns to every other thing we just have a god given right to buy in 'Murica is the reason so many *once legal* but now *illegal* guns are pumping…
It's out there alright. At least it's not a convertible. Oh shit....
Drunken craze??? I'd have to be comin back from a tequila and lsd infused Tijuana Tour and have somebody ask me
Nope, just promote.
Hahaha is *that* what you approved me for??? This notification system is still riddled with bugs.
Did you just say "I'm smart, why won't anybody listen to me?"???
People's closets are way too full of skeletons for an all encompassing "Hey *everybody* lets all be friends!" website.
......which is why I deactivated my account over two years ago and haven't looked back since.....
Yea I'd never take an ex cop car (just watch that Missouri chase yesterday). But everybody from Public Utilities to, idk, the flower delivery lady might be using a panther for work use. I know a lot of taxis have the Police Interceptor package. I pinned my needle a 1/4in past my speedo's max, 120mph. To be honest, it…
".....what's not to like?"
"Firearm related crimes" is a *far* cry from any crime the pissed off owner of an assault weapon is committing. A 10 year old's allowance will cover the purchase of a .22.
And heaven forbid we ever close the G.S.L.
" to shoot"? HELL YES THEY ARE!!! "...just a concerned citizen"??? You've *GOT* to be f*cking kidding me.
Just because something is fun, flashy, and was a *necessary aspect of life* 300 years ago, that doesn't mean it should be legal today. And that's doesn't just apply to guns.....