From every other angle it's sexy as f*ck. Why are those "trunk dots" always reaaaaallllly faded??
From every other angle it's sexy as f*ck. Why are those "trunk dots" always reaaaaallllly faded??
Are you suggesting they should be amber lamps?
Exactly. It's not just the AIDS vaccines that are like that either.
I read an article not too long ago promoting the retirement of primates for research that said, among other things, that they really don't react the same way we do to modern medicine. Cures have already been found for diseases in monkeys that did *not* work in humans. Of course some things work. But it's kind of…
He's probably got a couple airplane bottles of Dickel in his pockets.
My friend's old man did it with midnight.
"Ossifer, I was just trying to be neighborly on my way home."
Back in high school on my friend's farm we'd be hanging out in the garage till the wee hours of the morning. It was always a chuckle to hear the whir and see the floodlight of his 60 year old dad's lawnmowing tractor go up and down their acre or 2 front yard. This never started before midnight. And the cupholder was…
In Soviet Russia, bear needs protection from *you*!
He's like "Is it safe to watch this from any closer? Am I out of the shrapnel radius? I better make my peace with the Lord."