
I know you need a car ready when you arrive. But not waiting and finding a nice diesel Hilux somewhere over *there* seems like it would be a huuuge mistake on your part. Screw shipping a car *there*. The question you should be asking us is....."What car should I bring *back* to the U.S. with me *from* the Congo when

Who called him racist? Not Hyde. He just referenced the current political atmosphere. I don't even want to ask how much more proof you need that this guy was born in HI.

Wouldn't that involve NOT inviting politicians (or would be ones) to drive your Indy pace car?????????

I suppose if everyone's dick riding Obama, someone's gotta be dick riding Trump too....

If someone doesn't get that reference, I don't think they should be allowed on this site.

Everything seemed just fine to me until the last decade.....where they decided pop culture was more important for a driver's resume than having anything at all to do with automotive history. I don't see why they should just *continue* hiring assclown actors, politicians (and wannabe ones) to do this job.

He referenced what was being discussed in the current realm of politics pertaining to D.T. What is wrong with that?

Also, big rims obviously don't necessarily mean rubber bands. Although if you're trying to scrape you might need that 2nd set.

I'd imagine that, when towing a 5th wheel, you are also testing your vehicle's payload capacity.

I'll respect that choice. I don't agree with it however. I *love* the look of large vehicles sitting on the ground. But I enjoy an extremely wide array of automotive cultures.

I think just about everybody has *some* form of mental illness to a certain degree.

American hotdog soooo huge! British hotdog sosmall.

Seal Team 6! Virginia Beach, VA, represent! "You're my boy(s) Blue! You're my boy(s)!"

I don't think I've ever seen a single cab hardtop pickup D90. It looks great. I'm a whore for hardtop CJ-8s. Which I'd MUCH rather have (be it hard top, soft top, rolling chassis freaking hotwheels) than a Landy any day of the week. I *do* love old Range Rovers and Discos though.

Not everyone loves "these movies." I haven't seen The Expendables and don't plan to. (I do, however, know that they are a fantastic band and that name should *always* be associated with them before that movie). I don't understand why you can't have adrenaline *and* a great script with a great cast of fantastic actors.

Home alone was a fantastic movie because I was a child when it came out. I'm no longer a child. This is why I don't watch any of the F&F movies.


"Very comfy but with capable handling, though it does require you to trust it without offering the kind of feedback that inspires complete confidence."