I bet if someone pointed out the rims we'd feel stupid for not realizing it.
I bet if someone pointed out the rims we'd feel stupid for not realizing it.
Plus I can gain access to their dirty parts without *too* much beer and coercion.
Even if you start off killing animals for pleasure but never rise to people, you're still kind of a weird asshole anyway.
Ah, the circle of life.
I agree with you but your last statement is absolutely ridiculous.... Several feline species do that, among probably a lot of other animals (mammals especially). Household cats, orca, dolphin...please believe they can all be assholes too.
And I'm pretty sure a 7,000lb automobile isn't a permissible hunting weapon.
I'd be happy if being an inconsiderate *asshole* in public was a felony.
You mean you haven't joined us? Look around man.
Couldn't. Fucking. Agree. More.
No, fuck *you*.
So everyone bitching and moaning about "Why on earth can I have a truck like this but not a an R32?!" can finally have a nice tall glass of shutthefuckupalready.
Hope you're rolling your eyes in a 7.3
You eat those, digest their diesel when tdi, and spit out the remnants.
"We'll see near-dollar-per-gallon gasoline, again, probably. Certainly sub-$2/gallon."
Truck. Stop.
They are known in the industry as "Douche-bags."
Have fun with that Powestroke when you get some real miles on it.....
Well I will say that it is fucking *awesome* that there are people in China (and all over the world for that matter) that, even though they're in the large minority, wouldn't hesitate to do something like this.