Yes, 3/4 of season seven was good television.
Yes, 3/4 of season seven was good television.
I cite this as an example of how you have to keep working, keep networking, keep pushing plans and ideas, and if you slow down to pause, someone else steps in to take your place, in both Hollywood and everywhere else.
What’s the deal with airplane peanuts?
Favorite president: James Polk!
Is Kinjigger better than Kinjaprove and usable on Firefox?
A few of the Harvey articles brought in racist and vile commentators, and then someone on Twitter tweeted out examples of how AV Club commentators are the worst. It wasn’t even “us!”
I mean, I get a lot more done, now, even while migrating to the Avacado.
Fuckin’ legislative process - how does that work?
KINJAAAAAAAA!!! The video was supposed to be a response to Timbo90210's comment.
It was 2017, my thoughts were short my hair was long
Caught somewhere between an entertainer and a Senator
She was seventeen and she was far from in-between
It was summertime in Washington, DC
Holy shit, this guy’s going to win, isn’t he?
Diamond showed Pattinson the episode of Saved By The Bell where Jesse became addicted to Hot Pockets.
The AV Club started to follow me! Thanks, guys!
Weren’t the bad guys in Face/Off listening to Tricky during the “I want to take his face... off...” scene?
I’ll admit, I love Shania Twain’s music unironically, probably in no small part to her sounding like cross between Mutt Lange produced Def Leppard, AC/DC, and Loverboy.
It’s tricky to copyright intellectual capital
- some idiot with an audience of millions right now
Stupid Kinja.