It’s the Enron of internet commenting systems.
It’s the Enron of internet commenting systems.
The guy from the Zelda commerical is Alex Jones:
“Once legacy accounts are ready to be claimed, you’ll be able to merge your AVC legacy account with your new Kinja account.”
Catch you on the flipside, dudemeisters!
What are they *doing* all day long besides standing around and looking pensive?
He was a major character at one point: his little birds, his "power is an illusion" speech, his revenge speech with the captured warlock.
Purgatory on Lost was where people met the most important people in their lives. For Sayeed, it wasn't his wife, it was some blonde chick he hooked up with a few times over the course of two weeks.
There's limits as to what he can do as a director, but he allowed the largest number of actors to give their best performances of the season.
And a fake Jon Snow death that resolved itself in two minutes.
As gorgeous as the shots of Iceland were, the time for deep conversation is when they're stuck on the rock island for several days, and not to infer that it's a several day walk to reach it.
I'm sticking around. I think when push comes to shove, most commentators will, as well.
I mean, we didn't "know" him; he was killed in battle and not captured and tortured or executed.
It's fine to have no stated motivation, but they've spent time showing us things from their point of view, thereby giving the viewer a stake in their motivations.
To be fair, a month with a giant entourage. Small groups on horseback can move a lot faster.
Sort of related, he was the 998th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. I'm expecting the 1000th to carry some sort of significance.
When was the last time a lowborn was killed in a horrific manner? Was it Osha? I suppose Hodor. And then after that, it's been a rush to the end with named characters having plot armor and unnamed masses dying, oh, well, there's too much a stake to care about the little people, when that used to be the entire point of…
I think we're all pondering how we got here…
It's the producers' job to examine the timeline and set up everything over the course of the season so that it all comes together in the last episode or two when it needs to.
The last one is just an excuse to show titillating bikini shots to old men.