
It's a misspell; he's suggesting that people who are fans of New England's tight end are attracted to the same sex.

He fully committed, and it's great.

It's an homage to cocaine.

What's so civil about war, anyway?

Is is simply possible that he doesn't know or care until something is specifically about him? If one of those Nazis claimed that he'd never stay at a Trump hotel, Trump would disparage the entire movement with the harshest possible terms.

"Anyone with even a shred of decency or social skills should be able to read that message loud and clear"

How about statues of slaves next to them? "John Smith, 1830 - 1900, a person whom was owned as property by the system the guy next to this statue went to war against the US to protect."

I believe there's some legal precedent — Winchell vs. Mahoney, the Charlie McCarthy hearings…

We're living in a society!

*Spike Lee angrily tweets at Stevie Nicks*

Two Woke Girls

My one buddy had no idea who Susanna Hoffs or the Bangles were. I sent him this link, and told him to thank me later:

He was nice to Kevin in Home Alone 2…

And to top it off, it's as if the sum of his career works are part of the same extended story, chapters of a long novel.

I grabbed her pussy, it's true! It's not bullshit! I grabbed her pussy! I did! Oh, hai, Mark.

A woman-animal getting leverage over a Psychlo? That'll be the day!

Maybe they'd be cool if we commissioned publicly funded statues of slaves to be built next to Confederate officers.