
So, being the idiot that I am, I went ahead and bought a copy from this outfit.  I realize I was taking a chance.  I got the GOG code in about 15 seconds, went immediately over to GOG and it worked just fine. Installing it now. So, for what it’s worth, I had no problems with the transaction.

So, being the idiot that I am, I went ahead and bought a copy from this outfit.  I realize I was taking a chance.  I

(sigh) In your own article you admit that modern Thanksgiving has NOTHING to do with the pilgrims. And yet somehow you still villainize it. Blame the weird aesthetic on pilgrims to elementary schools that continue to socialize that. You know, the same schools that taught kids that EVERYONE thought the world was flat

Meh, even as an atheist I think you’re doing some mental gymnastics here. There are a lot of churches that consider themselves Christian that don’t follow the bible to a tee. And that doesn’t make them hypocrites. It usually means they recognize the bible was written by humans and is therefore fallible and portions of

Just as a side note. Women authors in the Mystery genre have been writing about plus sized women having adventures, solving mysteries and gettin’ some side action for a really long time now.

Honestly? I’d say white men are getting a LOT of talking to. Are they listening? No. But yes, you can’t be on the internet today and not recognize that we’re being called out. On the regular. All the time. However, we have a gift, and that gift is getting all huffy and angry when we get called out and finding idiotic

Which in this case is good, since literally no one in Egypt today has any relation whatsoever to the people who lived there during the era of ancient Egypt. That would be like asking how the European settlers of North America feel about a Japanese person playing Pocahontas. And that really isn’t an exaggeration either.

So one note here. I liked the article, but the whole section of how the men who wrote the song get to get the final and only word? This is 100% true no matter who is performing the song. Male, female, non-binary, fluid, white, black, etc. To say this somehow stands alone in the world of emo music is baffling and

I could see asking people to submit a photo of themselves along with their work. Simply to make sure that a (identifies as a) man doesn’t attempt to steal an award meant for someone that isn’t a man. This crap about asking for medical proof is beyond the pale though.

Um no. He is not the Guy Fieri of makeovers. You may not like Guy or think he’s ridiculous, but he’s actually a decent human being. Really shitty comparison there.

If drone strikes from a president of the U.S. is a reason for no longer liking Obama I have news for you. It is NEVER going to get better in your lifetime or your children’s lifetime and so on and so forth. The fact that you think you went from a naive 18 year old to a wise beyond her years 26 years old is cringiness

At least they said “one of the first”. Since there were leaders in the Black community that were fighting this struggle long before Ms. Holiday was born. Not to detract from her amazing contribution, but the statement ignores history.

Surprisingly, if you watch a lot of anime, you will see the Japanese use a LOT of german imagery. Especially from medieval times. It’s a strong part of their aesthetic. There is almost always a blonde, German woman who is either royalty or very militaristic. You see it almost constantly. Now this artist isn’t Japanese,

Fear. Fear is what swings elections. Fox News has known this for decades. White, suburbanites seem to be the most susceptible to fear and it has worked VERY well for the GOP for a long, long time.

Not to be nitpicky, but why is the image you posted for this article so blurry? It looks like it got compressed way too much.

(sigh) Why should these companies even bother anymore? Nothing they do will make anyone happy. If a game is set in the past and doesn’t immediately show the true, raw horror of reality at all times then they get crappy armchair think pieces like this. Because if there is one thing we ALL want in ALL of our games set

Yeah, the one good thing to come of this is the massive free advertising this small company is now getting.  Probably the single best thing to happen to them as far as getting eyes on their brand and website.

Like the Yakuza director mentioned, even in Japan they romanticize their own history. Change it for dramatic effect, or ignore it when it gets in the way of the story. Why is it a big deal that another entertainment company does the same thing? Movies and games aren’t meant to be history simulators. They are meant to

To this day it irritates the hell out of me that they named their game Fable when there was already a game called Fable. I thought you couldn’t do that, but obviously I was wrong. Come up with your own damn name you losers.

You weren’t violent against a person. This young woman was. I don’t approve of the judge’s decision, but you are comparing something completely different with your experience.

I admit, I am 100% ignorant about the Black Hebrew Israelite movement. But at first glance it kind of reminds me of white women who find out they’re .7% Cherokee and start collecting Native art, going to powwows and listening to that one new agey Native flute player that has the sound of a stream going by as he plays