
After 25 years I think it’s okay to forgive someone if they haven’t repeated their mistakes.

As much as I love both of these actors. I don’t think seeing this movie is doing anyone any good. And the story being written by the son of the white guy isn’t a good look for this either.

Don’t you see. This is what Trump has done to our country. We are reduced to making crappy political dad jokes.  Well, that and crying.

Even worse (for me), I think a LOT of my right-wing family members get their news from Facebook via the right-wing memes that everyone keeps posting and re-posting. I’m not exaggerating when I say that either. It greatly saddens me.  I’ve had to remove a bunch of family because of how toxic their soundwall has become.

Meh.  When Skyrim came out it looked fantastic.  

Uh, then stop playing them.  What’s your point?

The question is why do you care? Bethesda has built an empire on games that tens of millions of people love playing. They don’t need defending.

No they don’t. Skyrim looks nothing like Oblivion. Fallout 4 looks nothing like Fallout 3. The games play similarly, because that’s the kind of game they are. They’re an Elder Scrolls game and they’re a Fallout game. Like every Madden plays the same, because you know, it’s a Madden game. We get it. You don’t like

And the funniest part is even THEY don’t look like that everyday. They have to “get ready” for shows and photoshoots.  Insane cardio, grueling diets, etc.

I don’t just date white women. I also date biracial light-skinned women who identify as white. I also date light-skinned latina women who mark white on their census form. And last, but not least, I also date white women who have a mild tan (I really like the exotic look).

Except that Goop wouldn’t even be a thing if she wasn’t a famous, willowy blond hollywood star. So, I’m thinking the exact opposite.

I’m thinking this guy might want to look into a therapist.  There might be some issues there.

look like complete ass

Hey now!

What the what? He can take $10 down to the damn Goodwill and get like five t-shirts. Jeez, that is awkward as hell.

Are you serious? Did anyone find his body later that day? Because that’s grounds for a throat punch. He touched your damn hair? Just like that? Dammit, now I’m angry. WTH is wrong with people?!

Don’t let them get you down. All of us out here are just doing what we do. Let the haters hate and the rest of us will just keep on keeping on.

Getting the House to operate orderly and actually getting shit done definitely requires a tough, managerial hand and an intimate knowledge of the bulk of what is going on. It’s a difficult task, but there are some good veterans in the House who I think would be up for it. Hence my recommendation of Ms. Sánchez.

They don’t need to pick Pelosi, but they obviously won’t pick someone fresh faced. I think it is time for a change, but realistically it would have to be someone who is very familiar with the House to get the votes. I’m thinking maybe Linda Sánchez?