C'est Bruni

You mean resolution? More people notice than you think.

PS3 was more powerful, but was a pain to develop for. 360 was easier to develop for but was just a bit less powerful.

" Then again, the 360 was the most powerful console last generation, and it made the most money of all three consoles, so it won this past generation."

It's justifiable to treat approximately half their potential audience like criminals?

Justifiably handle? Like when they justifiably released Ghost Recon: Future Soldier on PC without keyboard controls and didn't fix it for like, 2 weeks? Or Splinter Cell: Blacklist that wouldn't even launch on the default DirectX 11 settings? And then there was From Dust launching with always-online DRM when they

Let me state that again: You can only play this major section of a full-priced game for as long as Bandai Namco says you can—unless you pay, of course. (We'll get more into that later.)

National Socialist Gaming bullshit?

Je t'aime RPG

What is western about Dark Souls? Japanese through and through by my count. Plays a hell of a lot more like Monster Hunter than it does like Skyrim. And Monster Hunter is about as Japanese as games get.

Just WRPG. If it isn't made by a Japanese company staffed with Japanese people, there is nothing Japanese about it.

So, you're saying that since women are sexualized in all media, they should be sexualized in videogames too?

What a person wears is a solicitation of rape?

Actually, all that shows is how the female character got worse and worse in each instalment. B&B were somewhat ridiculous already, but Quiet is a whole new level of stupidity.

You know how Kojima said in his Tweet that RACE will be the theme of MGS5? What if, now bear with me, she has the ability to turn.... black? Like, ethnic wise. Or she is actually black disguised as a white person. That would be why you see in the trailer, the black color tone around here eyes disappearing is the

Well obviously you're just being a sensible and decent human being because you want to get in my pants! White knight! (Thanks for your comments, they are refreshing and appreciated. I'm surprised those comments haven't creeped up yet either, but the night is young!)

Kiki, I'll go a step further and explicitly disclaim any speaking on behalf of female gamers myself—my views are one man's opinion and mine alone. Y'know, in case the people who want to call any man who respects women and feminist issues a "white knight", which I'm surprised not to have seen yet.

Oh my god. I am rolling on the floor laughing at all these jackasses trying to turn this around on YOU being the sexist jerk here, trying to cover themselves. Because you were obviously saying that mute people are lower beings and less than people and you were TOTES JUDGING WOMEN HERE, and totally NOT saying that

By no means is what you're suggesting out of the question, but I'll continue to believe he made her look like this to sell dolls to pervs (which is what he initially said), until there's solid evidence that there's more thought to it.

revealed she had a dick to make the player feel stupid for ogling her.