C'est Bruni
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These (especially some of the other ones his Tumblr) seriously remind me of something cyriak might do.

His earlier one's are pure nightmare fuel:

Larger version: here

Does anyone have a word on the time limit mechanic. By far my least favorite thing about the other two

You know, I'm sure many of us would get fired from our jobs for this.

Ironically, it was Omar who hired Snoop. Michael K. Williams saw her in a bar, and invited her down to the set.

I will NOT calm down, sir. Just because most people are wrong doesn't mean I will set aside my personal experiences, beliefs and superior knowledge on the subject to permit a bigoted mob to lynch people like me. It sounds like an overreaction, but when 1 in 10 to 1 in 12 of your fellows die because of that kind of

Males have penises and females have vaginas. That's biology. Men, women, and gender, on the other hand, are a social construct. Historically, social gender is tied to biological sex because specific gender roles have been tied to biological sex. However, since we're (luckily, in my mind) getting to a point where a

"Also, I haven't said anything "transphobic." If you have a penis, you are technically male. You might identify yourself as a woman, and you might dress like a woman, but scientifically, still male."

I would say that a trans person would be a better judge of what is or isn't transphobic than a cis person. In fact, they definately would be.

Homeboy's great, and they do way more than offer jobs. As I understand they have a whole bunch of free programs like tattoo removal and mental health counseling.

It's weird to me that you have a problem with people who choose to behave in a professional manner in response to the growing needs of a successful business. Why is it wrong to modify one's behavior based on a desire to maximize potential profits by trying not to alienate portions of your consumer base? There is


I just hope that Rockstar actually used real latinos for the spanish speaking characters.

Maybe most non spanish speakers didn't notice but in Red Dead Redemption the spanish segments were awful, I don't know who they hired but wow it was an awful broken spanish with weird accents, they ruined those mexican segments

Are you serious? Giving criminal gang members jobs IS something to brag about. Even if a contract voice-acting gig isn't the same as a regular, steady job, it's a start. Check out "Homeboy Industries" in LA. Their motto is "jobs not jails" and by giving gang members a chance at steady employment, they are keeping them

Giving gang members something constructive to do is always worth bragging about. That is the most serious comment Ive ever made on Kotaku.

Giving criminal gang members jobs who could then go onto use it as a reference and start a totally different life?

That's the best possible loading screen I could've imagined for this game. Awesomely fitting and not terrifying as hell IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE IN FOR (which you should, with a JoJo's Game).

Did...did they stick in as much fanservice as possible in this game?