C'est Bruni

Ash never ages because Ash isn't one person, he's a series of clones created by Professor Oak to fight Team Rocket/Team Magma/whatever.

Cliché fan theories 101.

But will it run according to Keynesian or Austrian principles?!?!

Isn't it strange how guys like David Cage really want to make videogames into movies and guys like Zack Snyder want to make movies into videogames? They should have a Freaky-Friday type ordeal to make them realize why they chose their media in the first place.

"Strong thru-the-gun experience"

Dark looks to make the stealth genre cool again -Gamercast

Remind me to never visit Gamercast.

Seriously? The protagonist did a purple glowing backflip-kick twice in one trailer. I don't know if this is terrible or awesome.

The private prison industry is hard at work to build enough prisons for everyone!

It's so pretty!

Anyway, it's funny that Suda is trying to free himself from the shadow of Killer7 by making a game that heavily resembles Killer7.

Yeah that dialogue. Ouch.

Your AI idea is awesome. I was really disappointed by how brain dead the enemies were in Bioshock: Infinite and The Last of Us. They were supposed to be the pinnacle of this generation, at least technically. I though Bungie did a great job with AI in Halo: Reach especially on Legendary so

Now playing

Now if only he could animate it, we would have the most difficult pixel artwork ever

Now playing

Man, working replicas are so cool. It's really amazing how they get these artist's sometimes nonsensical designs to work somehow.

Having a dedicated writer is a great idea. I love Eisenbeis and Schrier's expert coverage of the JRPG scene, so it'd be cool if there was a parallel for other genres too.

Yeah, you probably shouldn't conflate the people on Xbox Live who play fighting games with the fighting game community. The Xbox Live community could make anything terrible (even Viva Piñata online is full of assholes).

Frame data is actually pretty important for both fighting games and League of Legends. The

Yep, I can only hope I have a moment in life this sublimely stupid.

It'd be really cool to watch you stream it! I'd like to see how other people manage.

There is no such thing as a men's shelter

This picture conveys the approximate absurdity of trying to argue in situations like this.

How to find the Men's Rights Activists on your website.

Step 1: Post an article about institutionalized rape culture (what kind of world do we live in where molestation is so rampant that there are actually signs throughout

I share your love for Criken! I have no idea how he and his cast of friends can entertainingly destroy any game they get their hands on. It would be awesome to have an interview series on Kotaku with popular lets players / vidja game youtubers.

Hey Patricia, I always love reading your articles! I find them fascinating and insightful even when I disagree. You're a great writer and Nightmare Mode is one of the best video game sites out there. Thank you for your hard work!

Gone Home looks like a cool game and PAX is losing a lot with this unfortunate turn of