
Desecrating the graves of your enemies is a favorite pastime of people who hate, but who don’t have the balls to stand up publicly against the people they hate (they might hit back). It’s a crime with a low-risk of being found out, and you mess with the final resting place of people who are beloved by their

Its up to the individual Jew to decide if they are white or not, and many many Jews are not white. There are the Sephardiem and the Mizrahi and the Beta Israel. White nationalist groups have never considered Jews to be white. Generally “white” is defined by those groups since it is a fairly useless distinction. A

People in my family live a long time - when both of my (both half-Native-American, rest German & English mutts) grandmothers were born, German immigrants had just recently become acceptably “white”, Irish and Italians still had a couple decades to go, Poles and Slavs weren’t even on the bigotry radar yet, and people’s

It makes as little sense as any bigotry. Hatred of Jews is incredibly old. Any group that is different than the majority can be labelled “the other” and scapegoated. If it weren’t hate of race or religion you’d have nationality to divide people (still do.) If we were all one nation in the world, and there wasn’t

Lack of opportunities, especially when it comes to wealth growth, very few things to do that leads to boredom and a lack of diversity which leads to a growing fear of “outsiders.”

Hey, you are righter than the others, but let’s dial it back. I think we are all generally in agreement here. I’m going to try an summarize, and people correct me if I have it wrong:

I mean, it’s bad, but 13 and 14 year old kids’ sex drives exist and are active and they want to have sex with each other. It’s not good but it’s also not predatory - it’s adolescents being dumb.

“Whether it’s with yourself...”

“It doesn’t excuse shit. Both these men are grown and need to find some way to deal with what happened to them without supporting their attackers.”

He said sexual maturity. I was sexually mature at 10. I had exactly the same body at 10 as I did at 25. He would probably have identified with the men who hit on me starting when I was about 11 or the men who screamed sexual shit out of their car windows starting around the same time, or the men who grabbed my ass

But Yiannopoulas didn’t say 10 was OK, he said 13 was probably OK. So everyone should just calm down and focus on being racists.

Be prepared to grimace. A major part of the reason that my kids have absolutely nothing to do with their dad’s side of the family is their saying
“old enough to bleed, old enough to breed.”

reminds me of friends I had as a young teenager who lost their virginities way young, under questionable circumstances.

It’s not. But that’s the hypocrisy. Women are sexual objects pretty much up for grabs as soon as men say so. But boys? Not the same. 

This type of thinking makes me shiver. I got my first period in 5th grade, so while my body was (apparently) “good to go,” my brain was still pretty consumed with pogs and friendship bracelets.

Good God. Do they ever hear themselves speak? TEN. TEN YEARS OLD but thank god “feminism” hadn’t yet ruined you.

Grooming is exactly what they are describing. Like, to a T.

This is exactly the kind of stuff Chris Brown would spout about when he was assaulted as a kid by his babysitter; trying to make it retroactively consensual so he could live with it. (Nobody on Jez had a lot of love for Chris Brown but the site was rightfully taken to task when they tried to downplay it.)

This is not an odd attitude for someone from the “manosphere”. Most of them believe grown-ass men should be able to have sex with any person who has hit puberty (or, at least, they used to—I don’t read their stuff anymore). For me, that was 10. Ponder that for a minute—I’ve argued with men who think I should have

So we’re defining 13-year-olds as sexually mature now, are we?