
Had to have my roof fixed last month and was “very lucky” it was “only” $2K.

That is so not how the courts work today. It would be nice, but it’s not reality right now.

Oh my god Trump might fire him just because his hair’s more disastrous than the boss’s - “Reince, you’re fired. Your hair disaster takes attention away from MY hair disaster, you’re a show boat, and you have to go. Bigly.”

This is the gods honest truth.

They don’t, always. We have thousands of years of history to prove that.

And those issues I’d say are all intertwined - what rights are more fundamental than the rights to life and liberty? Bodily survival and autonomy are at the root of all of them.

Well, I mean, they’re just women.

The older I get the more utilitarian I get and the less ideological purity I can get behind but basic bodily rights I just can’t bend on. To do so as easily as this waves a big red flag to me.

I don’t need ideological purity or any such bullshit from anyone - but don’t expect me to get excited about giving anyone who wants to violate my bodily autonomy power. Don’t expect me to be happy or even just passive about being a 2nd class citizen.

That’s...a fair point.

You made me laugh and miss my Poppop - who was a B25 radio operator in CBI and always said “I never fought in any war” when someone tried to make hay of his WWII service because he fully understood his experiences (although often wild and harrowing flying “the hump” pre-pressurized cabins and losing motorcycles to

Seriously - that dudes wife’s insecurity is his problem not mine. I wouldn’t have a job if more men thought this way and that’s the point. It’s another thing that tells a whole group of people they don’t matter and they don’t get to be full humans, full citizens, full people in society. But hey it’s only women, fuck

We ALL have at least one purely awful, shameful attraction I think. You’re braver than I am to admit yours!

It’s ok, he’s no angel so you’re justified in using any force you wish.

Oh that is so on the nose I can’t stand it. Thank you.

Yes me and many others can see the obvious when it’s put in front of our faces for the first time. Amazing, isn’t it?

On a petty personal note I hope so much this is true - I predicted a couple months ago that he was involved in $ laundering for the Russians. Even when it seemed most likely no one in their camp was involved in collusion with the “active measures” (which yeah that’s evolved a bit lol) I predicted he was likely

I have a $1,500 deductible but an ER copay of $150 that would cover stitches, etc.

Seriously - I work for a company with at least some maternity leave benefits and it’s only 6 weeks at partial pay. In fact, I’m currently dealing with a nightmare of someone who took the 6 weeks and really should have had more but couldn’t afford the time with out pay. So instead she’s inventing reasons she has

Yeah not to give them any ideas or anything but walls alone don’t work. You know what seems to work? Land mines and many people with shoot to kill orders.