Cats! Sooooo very many cats

So many anti-gun control people love to compare guns to cars. More and more, I think we need to follow their lead and treat them like cars and treat gun ownership like driving. 6-8 week courses to get licensed, culminated with a test you must pass with a high percentage. You have to be insured and licensed to purchase

Anybody seen this awesomeness going around?

My dad once said to me, “But wouldn’t you feel better knowing that the good guys were armed?”

I can’t imagine what the friends and family of all those wounded and killed are going through today. I can’t begin to comprehend what his mother is going through today. Thoughts and prayers for everyone effected by this.

Maybe we should stop looking for logic in it and call them out. It’s “code”. When they get government assistance, or when businesses do, it’s right and good. When black people or Hispanics get it: it’s a handout, “free stuff”, it’s pretty much of the devil, to hear them talk about it.

I’m borrowing it from someone else on Jez (wish I could find it), who said “I’m not pro-choice. I’m pro-abortion.” And I am, FOR ANY REASON. Because I do not (nor does ANYONE else) have the moral authority or right to condemn anyone for exercising autonomy over their own bodies.