
If I understand correctly, "off the record" doesn't mean "you can use this, but leave my name out of it". (If you want them to use it, but leave your name off of it, you say that.) "Off the record" means, "you can't use this information, or I'll never speak to you again, but I want to maintain a good relationship

I think "Heroin" and "Get Free" might be my favorites after "Love".

At no point.

Thank you!


I knew Harry Styles was in the movie, but I didn't know what he looked like, so I amused myself trying to guess which character he was.

I always like to listen an album all the way through and in order the first time, but generally speaking, yeah, unless it's a concept album, it doesn't really matter how long it is. It's getting added to my iPod and get shuffled into everything else.

Congrats to Oliver and Co.! Well-deserved. Y'all do wonderful comics journalism.

Thank you for posting this so I didn't have to.

The physical letter itself is the property of the recipient, but when I was getting my MLS (which included one archives class before I decided I'd rather be a cataloguer), we were taught that the CONTENT of the letter remains the intellectual property of the letter writer. Which means you might not be able to publish

"Why do we even HAVE that lever?"

When they announced, I looked at her and thought, "I know her from something, but what?" And I went to her IMDB and kept seeing things I'd seen, and going, "no, not that; not that either" until I hit Venus, and then I went AHA.

You're just biased.

"Stoke me a clipper, I'll be back for Christmas!"

It baffles me how many people keep insisting on the "he married his daughter" thing.

Same. It's depressing to watch these movies and think, "welp, this probably killed her."

Dramatic weight loss over a short period is a huge strain on the body, and it only gets worse if you're older. It's almost impossible for me to believe that it wasn't a factor in Fisher's heart attack, regardless of what else was involved.

oh uh

