
Baroque: when you are out of Monet.

Frank was a cartoon. Winchester was a human being.

That reminds me of Maslany commenting once how excited she was any time Felix or Donny or Mrs. S was in a scene, because she actually got to act with another person, instead of it being just her on a soundstage. And my first thought was honest-to-god, "What's she talking about?" It took me a minute to


I shudder to think of what he thought he was going to do with THAT.

I keep it exclusively for deep frying.

I'm sure a round of antibiotics will clear that up.

I am genuinely moved by the scene with Slartibartfast showing Arthur the planet-building floor in the movie. Freeman and Nighy are absolutely perfect.

Well, now I can't un-see that.

The BBC series was my first exposure to Hitchhiker's Guide, and, accordingly, the definitive one for me. I agree with Noel, though, it's the way the book excerpts are illustrated that gives the show its biggest dose of staying power.

The upside of that roommate was when I visited my sister for Christman, I had a chance to revisit the series and catch up with the new stuff. By which I mean, flipping through the old novels, going, "Oh shit…this really is as bad/sexist as everybody says…how could I have missed this as a teenager" and flipping

If you think that's bad…my sister once lived with a woman who was an engineer—really smart, very nice person, but the only creative writing she'd ever gotten into was Piers Anthony. Before my sister moved in, the only books in that place were textbooks, work reference materials, and every friggin' Xanth novel ever

Yes, there is such thing as a deaf culture. It's called Deaf Culture (small d deaf refers to the physical condition, capital D Deaf refers to the culture). Sign language is a huge, huge part of it; the fact that Deaf people have a shared language (well, shared languages; there are many different sign languages used

There's a scene in Switched at Birth in which a hearing girl who's been learning sign language is in an art gallery with several Deaf companions, including a divorcing couple. The couple gets into an argument about their son, some of the other Deaf people in the group join in, and it starts to escalate and get VERY

The reason the Martha's Vineyard SL died out is horribly ironic.


Now I really, really, really want a meatball parm sub.

People who feel that they have a stake in society are unlikely to try to undermine or destroy that society.

It'd have to be.

It reminded me a LOT of the ending to Life. Last minute twist, female protagonist trapped in a glass box, screaming her head off not because just she's afraid for herself, but because she knows what doom has been unleashed on the entire planet/ship of colonists she was responsible for protecting. Plus Katherine