
That cut is amazing.

What's sad about Faith's arc in season 3 is that it wasn't at all inevitable. She's a damaged person with an unhappy life, but she's not inherently evil. If the adults in her life had taken care of her—instead of ignoring her, manipulating her, and treating her like an object—she probably would have been okay. Look

My favorite thing about The First was a friend of mine getting very excited at me when it reappeared in season 7 because wow, how AWESOME was it that they'd gone all the way back to the very first episode and brought back Buffy's very first villain ever.

Buffy: Wanna see my impression of Gandhi? *Buffy kills a guy with an axe*

Upvote because that image made me laugh.

Kristen Stewart was a revelation in Clouds of Sils Maria. I can't fucking wait to see this.

Damn his need for emotional catharsis!

Season 5 of Angel actually sorta redeems Spike as a character for me after how horrifically season 7 of Buffy mishandles him (Angel the show actually knew how to tell a redemption story. Like, it actually requires atonement and self-examination and shit). Considering how much I hated Spike's guts by that point,

That was the moment that solidified my loathing for Spike. He was absolutely, 100% morally in the wrong, and he just glossed over it and refused to accept his culpability in how he'd hurt Wood. And the show agreed with Spike and glamorized him and made him look cool doing it.

Joss used to come to me once a season and say, “Look, I have everything.
I have the plot for the entire season. I have everybody’s storylines,
how they interact, I’ve got it all figured out—I have nothing for you. I
don’t know what to do with you at all.”

Which is why I love Martha even though the unrequited love element was annoying! Martha had more agency with regards to the Doctor than any other NuWho companion.

That is an EXCELLENT point.

I like my worms fresh from the garden.

Good for y'all.

*shrug* I like loyalty in a character.

mine tooooooo

Let's not forget that episode where he accidentally cast a Sunnydale-wide love spell and Buffy aggressively came on to him wearing nothing but a mini raincoat. This was in the middle of season 2, when he was still head over heels in love with her. He refused to even touch her because she wasn't in possession of her

I shipped 'em in the early days, but in the end, I'm glad they never hooked up. I like that despite Buffy never requiting Xander's romantic feelings towards her, he was unfailingly loyal and supportive to her. There's definitely a degree of bitterness about it in the beginning, but he doesn't let control or

The Buffy/Angel shippers were…..a loud bunch.

Personally and selfishly I probably just wanted to end the show as we
started the show just with the core. I didn’t want all these kind of—and
nothing personal to the ladies that played the Slayerettes—it became
too much.