
I definitely wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a last minute twist with Jack’s death. Maybe Jack gets everyone out of the house, runs in to save the dog, seems fine, and then later dies due to smoke inhalation or something? That would explain why Kate blames herself but also wouldn’t require us to actually watch Jack

Note to AVC: I love you so much that I had to hunt down the GOT reviews. But I am not happy about it.

When GoT comes beick in 2019, we’ll have both, GIFs and a good layout with sorting and notifications.

Oh come on!

This is ridiculous.

It was Tyrion’s plan, and yes, he fucked up good with that horrible plan.

Drogon would have been enough and everyone would have thought, like Jaime, that the other two are back in Dragonstone. However, Jaime was being reasonable, it’s the writers that are giving Cersei the perceptiveness to rival Sherlock Holmes.

The field where she used to grow her fucks is now barren. They are all gone, she has nary a fuck to give.

And we didn’t get to hear the Hound call him or anyone a cont. That’s my new favorite part of any episode.

Can anyone explain how I can read the existing comments now, then come back later and see which ones are new?

Also, this new format is still shit.

Wow this new layout for AV Club is just awful. Why on earth did they do this?

This is a really horrible change but I guess it’s more important that we can now add gifs than it is for us to be able to actually see comments and easily organize them?

I can see your comment and it doesn’t look gray...then again, I’m still not entirely sure if I am still “in the grays” or not, or if I ever was. In conclusion, transferring to Kinja is a lot like Twin Peaks.

This sucks.