
But he removed DACA and TPS by executive action... because they were given by executive action. Pretty easy to undo. Establishing DACA in law would give those kids actual security which actually matters to millions of children. 

“At one point, Trump said the mothers of migrant women were giving them birth control before their journey north because they “may be raped or sexually accosted or assaulted.”

The same thing that’s wrong with other people, only more so. 

No, fuck that. You don’t get to make Anime lovers a protected class from Nazi’s.

You don’t always have to fuck her hard. In fact, sometimes... that’s not right to do. 

Well there is. But when someone is an entertainer, and has product for sale, and the publicity raises the public awareness of them...then even bad publicity it good.

Does she really want to know why sales are spiking?

Because when people see his name, they think, “What song did he sing again?” And they look for it, and listen to it. And because so many more people are listening to it, some of them are gonna buy it. “Whats $1 anyway?”

So, I hope that explains things for Jada. When

My interpretation was she used Mongolian as stand-in for Asian (specific example for comedic effect). She was saying that someone who looked Asian spoke to her in broken English, when it turns out that person was a Spanish speaker, and her Spanish was much better than their English, so she would’ve much rather just

No, she was talking about Nativists(If you don’t like Amurica, you can git out!). Not Natives (first nations). And looked to just be a confusing joke about how she’s fine speaking Spanish, just do it (instead of speaking Broken English).

Not sure how you managed to drag Natives in here. Navitist is a very different

Just because there’s snow on the ground doesn’t mean it’s cold. I remember sweating up in my winter gear on the ski slopes and there are plenty of times it’s sunny, snow on the ground, and 50 degrees out. 

Yes, the man who pretended to be a woman online, and was rightfully accused of lying... he’s the real victim here. Him and all women like him.

Jesus Christ, the internet...

Except they weren’t blaming a woman. They were accusing a man of pretending to be a woman, and they were right. 

I think if it’s your position that Anderson Cooper is in the pocket of “Big Trump”, and is letting him off the hook by going after AOC... you are pretty disconnected from reality. 

I also think he receives undo attention because she is attractive, so it’s very beautist

I’m with your wife. Noel is creepy/cringey and Sandi just brings almost nothing to the table.

I’m sorry, but if they replace Paul, it is no longer the GBBO. I’m not a fan of either Noel and Sandi. Prue is ok. But Paul is the heel the show needs. But they do need Mary or some other baby face. 

I lost 10 pounds on Influenza. I recommend everyone try it. 

Yeah, it doesn’t look like they’ve changed their menu, as much as... prefabbed some low-carb combinations. Which is fine, but... it isn’t anything.

Carb, Protein, Fat. If you cut out carbs, you gotta eat something!

Don’t a lot of people go vegetarian for cardiovascular health as well? Or colon health? Couldn’t those be considered medical diets that people do for overall health before they have those problems?