
I’ve been watching Curling for the last 6 hours. It’s fantastic. It’s slow, you can drink, you can backseat drive and criticize and feel like an expert. It’s not like watching a sport in AWE. It’s like watching a sport that you can get really invested in. “COME ON! It’s too heavy, stop sweeping you idiots. It’s gotta

Zip ties are great, but permanent. Reorganizing cables, changing accessories means cutting ties and replacing them altogether.

Looking a reusable solution that both helps overtime, but also is good for when you’re just starting to organize and tend to forget something or need to redo a few times.

That’s what I don’t get. Unless they’re friends, i have no idea how you join a specific person’s game! If he was just randomly griefing the world, I’d get it. But no idea how he could target someone with the current mechanics of OW, unless the streamer was only in the custom game menu which lets you follow someone,

I’ve heard of a comb over. Never a comb back.

So, something people should be aware of, is that you can predict the stock market.

The market has a strong momentum bias. Which is to say, if the market has an equal likelihood of going up and going down on a day to day basis... those probabilities are skewed if you know what happened the day before. So if the market

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand that halftime show sucked about as bad as I expected.

I mean... as a tourist, you should probably have a backpack or bag anyway. This stuff is really light and easy if you have a bag.

I mean... Jon Oliver did a story on this. Cities and Municipalities compete for companies with tax breaks which rarely, if ever, return value. Companies take them, then move to get more breaks from another city willing to give them. It’s basically America competing against itself to not create new jobs and cost

Millions of federal employees would be unpaid for the duration of any shutdown.

That’s not good... for anyone...

Rosetta Stone Spanish subscriptions should benefit from this.

As shitty as it sounds... Dreamers can’t vote. The middle class can. And there’s maybe a few million Dreamers while there’s over 100 million Middle Class. Maybe they should put their foot down and say “You must do this!” But... Paul Ryan would have to bring the bill to the floor for a vote. Mitch McConnell would have

Well... Popular opinion only matters insofar as its something people will vote on and it matters when they vote. If DACA falls away completely, the next House election is in November and those lawmakers wouldn’t take office til January 2019. Tell me how many DAVA recipients could be deported in the meantime and how

as if DACA recipients and the middle class could not be one and the same

It’s not body-shaming to say someone dresses and looking like a fucking idiot. He can absolutely control what he puts on his teeth and in his hair. It’s a choice he made. Body-shaming is different.

Great article, but are your a and x keys bound together or something? Or is Latinx just Latino + Latina?

Can you throw that in a 2 by 2?

Law was my #1. It’s straight up fucking Latin.

Yeah.... Given he invented this game before the outbreak of WW1 and 7 years before women got the right to vote... I’m gonna push back saying he was pretty progressive on this one.

There’s a reason people with no design or manufacturing or product development experience don’t try to design, manufacture, and develop products.

Because they generally suck at it.

It just feels odd the article is titled “How to clean the inside of your Washer and Dryer” and only explains how to clean your washer...