
I thought I answered that. Snow on your windshield. Ice freezes at the bottom. Wipers become frozen to the windshield. It become SUPER difficult to free them. Better to just have ice on your windshield that you can remove simply with an ice scraper than ice in and around your windshield wiper that forces you to chip

No, I know it can get rough in terms of storms. But a stormsurge is very differennt. It’s just the ocean BEING like 8-15 feet higher than normal. So while the beach Used to be all the way over there. It’s now on 14th street. Coastal Flooding is a lot of Stormsurge, and I just donn’t hear a lot of Minnesotan Floods

I feel like they just need a really long chain and a winch. Trying to get a tow truck out there to pull em out is just a fools errand.

Do you live right next to the ocean and get a stormsurge?

Leaving your wipers up is so you can clear the snow/ice from under them. If they get buried, it can be much more cumbersome to clean your windshield. It’s generally a mild inconvenience, but it you get ICE... they can be frozen down and you have to chip them out.

Fuck you George Lucas!

I’d say a solid at room temperature fat like bacon or lard or butter would just be gnarly to get off your car in the winter.

1/3 Alcohol (not a beer)
2/3 Water
= Instant de-icing fluid. Put it in a spray bottle and de-ice thusly.

I mean... Unless Youtube banned him and demonetized him (which they wouldn’t do. His fans would follow him and they’d lose revenue)... who is gonna ‘fire’ him? Who is gonna ‘boycott’ him? His 13 year old fans? His advertisers? YouTubers ostensibly work for themselves and unless there is outrage by their fan base or

In my head, I’m imagining the warnings to “There Will be Blood” and “2001: A Space Odyssey”.

“Warning. There’s gonna be a lot of time where no one is talking. Don’t worry. There was a script. It was all intentional, and it is for effect. Please enjoy the film”.

The one and only movie I ever walked out of... ... Spiderman 3

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna listen to the Talking Heads for the next hour and twenty minutes.

“I didn’t get anyone killed because I didn’t discharge a weapon”

I searched for it, and all I found was

A lot of the crazy jacked prices you see are actually a scalping and 2nd hand ticket market issue. Tickets for the show were not high, even by broadway standards, and they raised them only to try to cut into scalper margins to try and dissuade bots from buying up all the tickets.

Examine the issue before you attack

I thought it was a tuxedo t-shirt, but it was worse. I looked it up and feel unwell.

I mean. Sure, there are gonna be arthouse films that are really good, but not all markets are big enough to support them. You wish you could see Florida Project, but I bet if there was a theater in your town that showed it, it wouldn’t be half full on opening night.

It’s not like theater at all. And you may not get

Ah, excellent. The Surpreme Court brief which helps us understanding “Fightin’ Words”.

So to be clear... Virginia’s House of Delegates races are still being contested.

The confirmed count is 49-49 with 2 incumbant Republicans in recounts right now (one of which, the Republican one by just 10 votes).

While 51-49 would be a far closer house than Virginia has had before. It’s still a Republican controlled

Rubio is an empty suit. He tweets biblical verses like he condemns the GOP’s actions, but votes like a yes-man trying to get a promotion.

What a sad sack of shit Florida keeps putting in office. Notable for his absolute vacancy of conviction.