
I’m so glad they’re still making Skyrim 6 years later. No one wants a new Elder Scrolls game. We just want Skyrim on Switch!

I am looking forward to taking some LSD and killing some Nazi scum

I thought I killed all these damn Nazi’s!

So glad I don’t play horror games. They’ve gotten much too good at what they do.

So glad I don’t play horror games. They’ve gotten too good at what they do.

Mhmm. I finished the first game and just wanted more. More communities, more buildings, more survivors, more enemies. Exact same game, just more more more. It was so addictive, and I can’t wait for State of Decay 2.

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I play a lot of stuff with friends. But it’s really hard to find games that everyone ones to play and can play together all the time, and so on so forth. We have jobs, and have a lot of different tastes.

So as much as I’d love to find 3-4 friends to play Sea of Thieves with all the time, it probably won’t happen.

I’m just curious how the combat looks and feels. Not sure I could play nearly as well without the 360 awareness that Geralt in 3rd person brings.

Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is more of Ciri’s story. Geralt always has another quest... another city... another fight.

I’d compare Blood and Wine on a scale of bullshit to satisfactory as something closer to the Citadel DLC for ME:3.

Years of E3 announcements and launch trailers have worn me down to the point I cannot experience true excitement watching them anymore.

I just think, “That could be interesting.” or “no fucking way it’s gonna be anything like that.” or the most common “they’re making another one of those?”

This trailer makes the first Battlefront look like a partial beta.

The Imperial Empire was strong... until the Reapers attacked.

Hung Parliaments are crazy. Gotta be ready to turn Downing St. to glass if ya’ll try to make Farage or Johnson PM.

Am I missing something? I thought I remember hearing this week that Trump and Tillerson were taking CREDIT for the Gulf countries cutting ties with Qutar (after all, they have normalized relations with Iran. They must be punished!!!!). How are they now trying to take the high ground to say, “Now now kids. Let use

I want some italian ices. NOW

I dunno bro. Go to a Fortune 500 company and read the HR guidelines. I’ll bet you $100 it’s longer than a sentence and doesn’t just say “You guys are adults; use your common sense.”

Is there more to the guide? It kinda seemed like “Don’t fuck your boss or your employee and make sure everyone is consenting.”

Is that a bad set of rules?

You can’t put this on the Administration. This is bullshit coming straight from Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. This is tempered, measured, calculated bullshit.

And we won by a 25 point margin in 2012. Maybe things have changed since then, but she’s definitely well likely in Missouri, which has a Republican and Democratic Senator. I think they like the balance.