
Oliver’s story was well done. Because it was basically illustrating that everyone has sort of... put all their hopes and faith into these two for basically no other reason than... they not Donlad Trump, so they must be reasonable moderates! They Must!!!

Gotta incentivize job creators and being wealthy. We want people to be wealthy, right? So why would we reward people for not being wealthy. We should be rewarding our wealthy people! Wealth = Good. Give them everything!!!

This is, in a nutshell, the pure Republican response to poverty. If you give them help or support or any kind, you are incentivizing poverty. If you give a man welfare, he won’t want to work.

Hopefully, everyone who has been buying into Trump’s sold ideology will see that he and the Republican Congress are not

Do you sexily whisper it, like I do? “Com-pli-cit

We don’t even know what she agrees and disagrees with him on. She’s never publicly committed to any specific policy that I’m aware of, nor has she said what broad issues she disagrees with him on. Everyone has their own perfect version of Ivanka that they say she represents, but none of it is represented in reality.

I bet this is with hairworks turned off. Casuals...

I would imagine, similiar to big studios with the MPAA, large publishers like EA and Activision get preferential treatment in ratings compared to a “small company” like Projekt Red

Wait. Jones was in two Richard Linklater films?

Yeah. He was just making them $400,000 less rich.

Thank Obama.

You can say “they can keep it,” But I think his article captures the perspective of a much larger % of the southern white population (Especially in large metropolitan areas like Atlanta) than you might believe.

Removable aliens. Is that what we call them now?

Yeah. I happen to be of the opinion that sectarian groups (especially to that extent) are fundamentally abusive to children growing up there.

Now, again, if the quality of life and actual physical or emotional or psychological abuse going on in those groups are all copacetic, that’s all fine with me. They wanna live

I’ve seen less defense of Scientology as I’ve seen using the obvious ‘silliness’ of Scientology to attack other religions. But I suppose that’s a similar defensive argument I’ve seen along the lines of “It might be stupid, but... aren’t we all stupid in our own way?”

I lived in Brooklyn for a long time. Big Hasidic neighborhood. I don’t want to comment too much on a specific group that I don’t know much about. Needless to say, I think there’s a difference between groups that ‘keep to themselves’, and are relatively insular (think Amish), and groups like Scientologists who force

“It just causes problems,” Ms. Clayton said. “Where do you draw the line?”

Alienation is one thing. Isolation is another. Though, I think churches like the Westboro Baptist Church or any other cult like communities who engage in that kind of behavior are horrific. If there are Jewish or Muslim communities out there doing the same kind of shit Scientology does (it’s possible this is happening

I mean, if you listen to a lot of other Scientologists who left the church, they may not even know about that stuff. Scientologists are told not to read outside news or publications. All that stuff about Scientology is “propaganda” and are suppressive people trying to turn you from your righteous path.

So, it’s

Don’t care what people believe. If the Church of Scientology behaved like the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, zero people would care about Scientology.

It’s the human rights abuses and legit terror it inflicts on the lives of people both in it and who try to leave it. It behaves like a cultish mafia. Not

They’re not a religion in the sense that they have any type of theology. But they’re a religion in the sense they have a very strict dogma and ritualistic belief structure.

But I agree. They should have never been given tax-exempt status. But there’s a long story there.

Yes. But only really on a ideological basis.

Mormons are nice. They do good charity work. Mormons are happy people. They have a nice choir. The church doesn’t imprison its members. It’s leader doesn’t beat people. It doesn’t sue anyone who tries to speak out against them. It doesn’t hire private investigators to