
This was fantastic. Thanks for sharing!

Yeah, well, conservative legislators only care about “states rights” when it comes to protecting things like the ability to discriminate against LGBTQ individuals and letting everyone own automatic weapons.

Oh, and Sin comes back because, why not? Ugh.

The art is cool. I wish it existed independently of the stories that came along with it, 100% of which were trash.

Counterpoint: I’m perfectly happy to pay sites that offer me the option to pay a fair annual fee not to see any ads. For some reason though, many blogs choose not to offer this option, and generally only set up payment options when they’re locking things behind paywalls.

I use mine daily, and it works well enough, but build-wise, it’s garbage. The straps are poorly built, the batteries drain quickly, the proprietary charger is dumb, and it doesn’t play well with a number of the fitness apps I use. I’m definitely getting an Apple Watch when this thing inevitably dies (like my last one

Vanille from FFXIII. She rarely had anything useful to say, and she has the most annoying voice in the history of video games. I would have liked the character a lot more if she were mute.


I completely agree. He’s safe as long as Republicans refuse to hold him accountable, which is ridiculous.

Dictionary definitions of “ad hominem”:

I realize that this is the Internet and all, but ad hominem attacks attacks are no more convincing in the virtual world than they are in the real one. Try again.

Help me understand your argument here: are you trying to say that John Conyers should get a pass for predatory behavior because he’s black?

He needs to step down largely because he needs to be held accountable for his actions. I was amenable to him attending an Ethics Committee Hearing on the last report as it was a single incident that took place before he took office.

Lovely. He still needs to step down though.

It’s a long shot, but I would love a Vita release of this game.

So, the president is still refusing to admit that white terrorism is a thing. Got it.

Story-wise, I actually kind of liked the mediocre action-RPG Game of Thrones game. Especially that ending - it definitely seems like something Martin would have written.

That’s some quality shade right there. Good job, billboard.


He didn’t “let” the n-word “slip” through. His non-apology illustrates that he knows exactly what he was doing.