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    Hmm, so Google can push out software upgrades on its own. Hmmmmmm

    This is America. CEOs don't do anything wrong. It's the people who work for them that do everything wrong.

    Most highly successful people have something about them that makes them not "normal." That's why they achieve abnormal success.

    Looking forward to article about Apple's outer workings, focusing on Foxconn. Like that will ever happen.

    "elegantly cover up most things that don't meet spec"

    Yes. 0.2 inches is indeed quite a lot bigger.

    Why does it take so long to load Gizmodo pages? It's disgraceful.

    You sure there's nothing you can do about it? You're going to take some Wired writer's word for it?

    Don't you know anything, man? On the internet everything is supposed to be free! Music, movies, AND internet access. Information wants to be freeeeee! That's the way God intended it.

    So you'd use 12GB in a month. You could use another 20 phones and not hit the cap.

    So you're saying I can only watch 108.69 hours of HD Netflix each month? Uh oh . . .

    So don't do something that will help make people safer because it can't make them completely safe?

    Consumers are short-sighted. No one can dispute that. With Verizon and AT&T ETF's at $350, buying a phone with them on a 2 year deal is really asking for it.

    "The one-year option will certainly be missed by those looking for a short-term commitment to their carrier, but an affordable option to get completely off contract is a pretty nice alternative."


    Man, if only Apple told me what apps to buy . . . it would be so easy.

    Why is it so hard to turn something black into something white? Did that technology go to the grave with Michael Jackson?

    Start making this argument and the next thing we know we'll only be licensing computers and not buying them.

    Samsung: Great electronics company or the Greatest?

    Horrible idea, and the introduction to the last paragraph sealed the deal. "Like" it or not? Jesus.