
Pcgamer and PCWorld usually have great articles for this. Also if you want more info go to tomshardware.com

PC haters still use that thousands of dollars line. I usually hover in the mid range when I build my pc’s. I also got a sweet deal on the 970 a couple of years ago. I picked it up when Arkham Knight and MGS5 came with it. Then we had the port mess that was AK. I had heard that if you bought it from new egg, you could

“Those white people have curtains and blinds and shit to hide all of the money they’re embezzling and neighbors they’re fucking.” ROFL!!

“couldn’t detect all that blackness and delicious negrosity bubbling through.”

Being able to play 2 and 3 may justify me buying a switch. That along with the obvious first party releases.

That on top of the ridiculous deals, where you get all the games from the publisher. Plus some titles inflate it as well. Telltale games count each episode as a title. Then you have COD where they split up the modes into different titles. Then the free HD versions. Although that pales in comparison to just cheap

I wish I could go back in time and give my pc to myself when I was 10. Maybe I would have a chance at beating them all. It also would be awesome because I would have all this back in 1985!

Thanks, I had not heard of this case!

People will complain that there are no flying mounts....lol

UGH! I wasn’t paying attention to the time on the jacket sale. By the time I found a jacket i liked, it was 12:01am and it went up $70.... curses!!!

UGH! I wasn’t paying attention to the time on the jacket sale. By the time I found a jacket i liked, it was 12:01am

i havent done anything on the list....

All your base... 2017 French version

For those of you who are playing on pc and are experiencing controller issues, I figured it out for those using a PS4 controller with DS4Windows. I pasted it from the steam post I made. Hope this helps! If you are using x360ce then search in the steam forums. Other people have figured out a fix for that program. I

The circle of life program is nothing new. I worked at gamestop back in 2001. If a customer was buying a new title, they always checked to see if they had a used copy in stock. If it was in stock they pushed it hard, along with that god damn game informer subscription. I didn’t, since I thought it was bullshit. I was

I was checking out the site and saw this in the description.

I love your style of video review.

I’m dreading the countless articles over analyzing it. It’s just D and D gone mainstream. There are countless books you can read to satiate your appetite.

I just turned into the 12 year old version of myself. OMGOMGOMG!

Agreed! I was just addressing how when a harder game comes around, it’s looked down up. Maybe it’s the futuristic Mountain Dew/Cheetoes vibe going on in this game. lol With Japanese developed games, maybe they have a different approach that people accept with out complaining. Take the reviews for Hellblade. If you die

You hit the nail on the head man. i think many are really too accustomed to this post casual friendly gaming era we have been in for quite some time. It does not even feel that hard to learn to me. Maybe because I’m in my mid-40's and it just feels like a breath of fresh air. All I’ve been seeing is that it’s too