
Thanks for the info. I really hate the comment system on gawker. At first there were no comments, and then I hit pending and then a few show up. It is such a pretentious system. It’s why I have rarely come to their sites since the change years ago. That along with making a dumb Halo joke years ago, and getting banned.

Thanks for the info. I really hate the comment system on gawker. At first there were no comments, and then I hit

This will be especially detrimental in cities with stop and frisk policies. NYC would be a great place to play this game, as long as you are white.

and yet that guy is a preferred kinja user, so everyone can see his hate....

It’s similar to the old console practice of bundling a demo for a highly anticipated game in a lesser known title by the same company. People bought them in droves,and nobody complained.

Plus when they have Europeans in Asian movies, it sounds weird to English speakers. They over enunciate everything.

correction:Damon Wayans Sr. if you’re over 35

All of the arguing aside, there was a lot of good information for me. Thanks all!

The lock is because Japanese developers tie logic to the frame rate. Since they don’t really make pc games, so it happens often. This whole “FPS Police” started when the amount of Japanese games coming out for pc snowballed. It divided some of the users in each camp. People defend it because of their console roots.

Lol this article made no sense to me either. I have no idea who any of the people mentioned were. I guess that is a good thing.

Damn I’m sorry to hear that man. This is just a thought, have you tried those vertical mice? Since you can still play, it may lighten the fatigue of constantly clicking in RTS. I havent’ used one, but I was going to pick one up out of curiosity. Check it out amazon, they have a ton. It seems like it’s a very niche

How on earth do you forget to put an exit option in the game?

It hasn’t been that bad for the console side since the 360, since most games were developed for that and ported over to everyone else. At least when it happens the other way around, someone usually releases a fix. Since they usually abandon all support after launch. This mainly applies to all the Japanese games coming

May 24th is going to murder my wallet. I’ve been looking forward to all 4 games.

While I agree with his point, that point of view is more suitable to be heard from someone he knows personally. In this carebear age we live in, he could have changed his tone. Obviously he experienced someone committing suicide in his life. All of you saying he was an asshole have to realize that this is a common

This is pretty much Blizzard’s TF2. It is pretty awesome.

It feels like if they made Broken Sword into an action game. It just needed a few more frames of animation in spots to make it feel more fluid. Otherwise it is pretty fun. Think 80's He-man. I am looking forward to seeing how the devs progress.

This would just make it run better, resulting in a higher fps. So console users can stop defending 30fps in 3D games...FINALLY!

For those of you young ones complaining about how expensive it is, read these articles....

Although it shows 3 hearts, when you get hit it takes 1/3 to 1/2 a heart.