
their best bet to trying to make an mmo work on a console is to use the f2p model. or try charging less than 10 a month.

what a horrible idea. what was going through their heads when they came up with this. the xbox interface is made with controllers in mind, why in the frak use it on pc?? i'll stick with 7. this worries me about the future of pc gaming though... using your xbox live gamertag? next thing you know you will need a gold


anyone remember the movie contact? the tv that jodie foster received as a gift in the movie cost $20,000, at the time.

the first time i heard of them, was when i played shadow of the beast on my friends amiga. at the time, that was one of the most amazing visuals i had seen. thanks for making the wipeout series, i loved those games. you guys turned me on to a lot of electronia artists that i would not have heard, or would not have

i used to do that for years. i lived downtown and would ride 30 minutes to work everyday.unfortunately i was smeared by a drunk driver in a hit and run. i used to joke that i ride to work to keep me from getting fatter. when i stopped riding due to paranoia,i gained weight after the accident. now i live on the

agreed, the only time i watch them is when they are stunt videos (battlefield games and just cause 2). i prefer actually playing the game, rather than watch other people play it at really low resolution.

it's a railgun, essentially

awesome pictures!!

i was wondering the same thing! i did find this comparison so we can get an idea of the performance of the 570 vs 470. http://www.overclock.net/t/895590/gtx470-vs-gtx570-comparison-review

ah ok i always thought it was originally a true crime reboot of some sort. i stand corrected.

not to rub it in, but i bought it on greenmangaming for about 34. and it gives me a steam code at release. i also purchased borderlands 2 on greenman for 37. definitely check it out for games that use steam, they offer sales all the time on pre orders and new releases. i never went to the site, until i saw the

well technically it's true crime hong kong.

one of his best skits yet. the hulk hand made me cry laughing. and "I AM A PANDA IN REAL LIFE!" keep up the good work man!

it's like how we give Edison, Marconi and others credit for Tesla's inventions.he was finally given credit...after he was dead. a whole lot of good it did him then...

unfortunately they do. i remember getting in a heated argument with a friend about how the departed was a remake of infernal affairs. he kept saying that it was inspired by, i told him inspired and remake mean the same thing! i told him all martin did was put american guys instead of chinese guys, and now he gets an

wow what a list. i had no idea about some of them.

oh yeah i know that. i just meant when people talk smack, they think the product they are putting up on a pedestal is made in america.

i was in agreement with ya, maybe you meant to reply to the guy above me? i miss the old comment system.

finally, i have been wanting a new grid for years. we kept getting dirt games, which i am partial to.it is one of the few races games i have actually finished.