

yet people seem more upset about the mass effect 3 ending in comparison....

yeah i totally understand that.i guess my sarcastic tone was not as apparent as i thought.

of course they are quotes from other people, hence the quotes.

yeah how many times do you see some random quote saying a movie is "the feel good movie of the year" or "movie of the year" etc

yeah definitely, since most are otaku.

that is what they normally post on here

noel's default outfit reminds me of kingdom hearts.

that is awesome. i may purchase a vita soon.

as much as i hate how epic left us pc players in the dust last gen. he probably made a billion dollars off of the gears of war games.

it is always amusing that they think that.

yeah it's an updated version. usually with the low-medium range cards, there is little difference between the next years model other than the model number itself. there is usually a 10-15% increase in performance if there is any at all. as long as they did not make a huge change to the architecture of the card, this

here's a review for the 6670 so you guys can get an idea of it's performance.

his new mutant covers were the only really good thing about that comic.

yeah that's why they extended it in bf3. they didn't realize how fast people would hit 30 in bc2.

yes those two are my favorite artists. especially as a kid, they had such unique styles that just popped out. it was funny how me and my fellow comic geeks slaughtered the pronunciation of Sienkiewicz as kids.

in bc2 you received all the unlocks at 30 iirc.

sorry misread the article i read, no anime. just the tv show. i have season 1 of the show. they released them on dvd a few years ago.

i loved the frank miller covers!

never heard of that site, thanks for the tip. lots of interesting stuff there!