

i am very glad the victim emerged victorious from the knife fight.

i hear ya, i think they missed it because of his delivery of said news. it's like the guy at circle k saying "hey, i'm giving you this mint choclate chip ice cream sandwich for free. because i know you are going to steal it you little sh*t! i know it's been in there for a year, but it's still good.if you like it buy

i know right, it's like getting madden 2005 for free with purchase of 2011.

haha that would be hilarious.i didn't know that was the case. after reading these comments, i don't think most people know as well.

because they can't have a mouse, they have to make it sound better than it is. remember all the creative new interfaces they made for rts games?

haha yeah i like it though, i also have a custom one made from arcade parts.i was never a fan of the hori sticks.although i haven't seen these deluxe ones. i am referring to the 60 dollar ones they have been re-releasing for ages just with a different background.

i am still using the sf anniversary stick from xbox/ps2 days.

yes the original bionic commando! i really hate the new version of him.

i had to fiddle with it, i wanted to play socom 3 and mgs online but i hate using a controller for aiming. i figured it out, but it was a while ago.i think i jacked up the sensitivity in game really high and messed with the slider on the left chuck. i'll check on it after work, and get back to you.

in case you didn't know the earth is round, not flat riding on the back of a gigantic space turtle.

HAHA! me neither....me neither.

you missed my point entirely. but halo wars was a giant waste from an amazing developer. it's too bad ensemble died after making that. making a rts on a console was just a bad idea.

aside from the last paragraph he is right. he is talking about since the consoles have released. and he was low balling the 200 for 5 games. since if you buy them new it would be 300. i've said this many times over the years, but i got the same reactions. the money comes out pretty similar over the years. and you

i just upgraded my card to a 570gtx

i just think it's weird that they would revive these ip's into action games. they are so old who is their target audience. most people who are old enough to remember this and xcom, most likely will not care for these games since they are such a departure from their original games.

the pandarians were originally a blizzard april fools joke long before kung fu panda came out.

yeah it bothered me in bc2 as well. but hey,if that's my only gripe..... it's not that big a deal. there are so many awesome things in bf3, i will get over it. i always thought it was amusing.

what is funny is a laptop hard drives are almost the same price from 160-350 gb (35-45) you can slap a 500gb in a ps3 for about 55.and that is at the consumer level. and a 320 hdd for xbox is 130....