
oh boo that sucks about eden. i'm not keen on the kinect either, but i may try it for those two games.

son of a bitch. orta was the reason i bought the first xbox. my 360 got stolen but i was not going to replace it. i may have to pick it up again for this. i love this series.

yeah totally! once they start balancing things out, it's best just to look at release, so you don't miss changes you never got to experience. monk seems awesome so far!

obviously he wasn't into gaming when they announced the actual ps1 design. everyone said it looked weird and wtf were they thinking. plus the playstation was originally a snes addon, so that is why it looks so much like a snes controller.

funny how people don't know that.

but then that would coincide with it being true to it's roots, hence the bejeweld game :)

dammit first xcom now this!! next is a dune remake but it's going to be bejeweled with sand worms....

plus you have the option to turn it off. i started on hard and all that stuff is turned off by default.

there are 2 on the game's website.

that's how mine is. i think console people think the HDMI cable is some sort of magical console only option. they pay 30-60 for that cable so they think that it's something super special. us pc guys pay 3-5 for the same cable :)

when i worked at a local gamestore, we found a small nugget of marijuana in a used copy of GTA3. :)

epic did the same thing with gears of war and unreal tournament 3.


that would be amazing!! get to work on the screenplay!!


you are not wasting money, and your thought of pc gaming is still stuck in the frame of mind back in the voodoo geforce 2-3 days. i.e. 2002

exactly. i saw the video with outland, bastion, and from dust.

yeah i loved the demo, but i was thinking it was a downloadable game. i thought it was going to be 15-20 not a full 60.

yeah i was talking about dark alliance and also the champions of norrath games. yeah and of course they were different games, obviously i was talking about hack and slash since we are talking about diablo 3

yeah that was horrible. i wasn't even expecting that much. just ds2 with a new engine would have sufficed.