
i hope this happens. i'm mainly a pc gamer, but if valve makes wii versions of their games or incorporates steam into the wiiu.their business model may inspire the mainly conosle developers to follow suit. for example, i am so sick of 50kb dlc that is on the disc already.

and he has a gold star....

that is sad as hell.....

i had such high hopes for ff14. i was so let down.



yes that is more important, because no matter how pretty the graphics are, the game can still suck ass.my biggest gripe with this generation is trying to make everything realistic. i want more rachet and clank,zeno clash, mario,megaman,odisnphere, out of this world, old final fantasy... just fantastic new worlds

haha no! i meant to say when a game actually runs at 60, they get all happy(as they should)


oh i know there was sarcasme hence the "master pc race" and console "peasants".

"Such things matter intensely to the glorious PC gaming master race. Do they matter for the console peasants?"


great video! the shots were amazing, great song as well!!

thanks i will check it out!

and lucas became the hero of his school! well done lucas!

with this and carmack's interview, we may see some of the old pc developer's coming back. at least in terms of making the game for pc first and then porting to console. hell capcom has been doing it since dmc4.

they are too busy scoffing at how crappy wii and wii u games look. :P

the fact that it runs at 720 or less really helps the performance of the consoles. most of us pc users will be playing at 1080+, so you need more power.

yet at the same time console users nitpick between the the 360 and ps3 versions of the game. it's like 2 guys arguing about which of their toyotas is the fastest, when there is a guy with a f1 in the same room just giggling to himself shaking his head.

i purchased it on origin.