
i hate how everything has to be "realistic" nowadays.

that was sooo damn funny!!!

yeah since the resolution is about half you can pull off more. just like how most console games are 720 and can pull of decent frames. the pc runs the same game at 1080. it's the same idea.

the most precious commodity in the universe: elf pussy.

blaming games was inevitable. honestly he had to be following the political rhetoric to target the people he did. it's a mess here in tucson. now we have the fucking westboro baptist crazy fucks inbound to spread their insane dribble at the little girl's funeral. i think we have a big group going to stand in their

@EmeraldStorm: hmmm it was pretty easy for me. maybe it was the games i tried it with ...mag,mgs, and uncharted (so i can actually shoot things)

@dark.alch3myst: i wouldn't worry about this becoming popular, they have been out since a couple years.

@Poul Wrist: yeah seems like he suffers from the typical mouth breather syndrome. most people whose main fps experience consists of modern warfare 1&2 and halo suffer from this affliction.

i have the wireless one, it's much better than the wired one. usually these are on sale for christmas on gogamer. 09 the wired was on sale for 30, 10 the wireless was 30.

Awesome! There is still hope for the young ones!

it's just a farce to get people to buy expensive versions. hell at most store a standard hdmi cable runs 20-40 dollars. tell your friends to buy them online! i remember ,a few years ago,people thinking i extremely generous when i gave them one for 4, whenever they needed them. they thought they were supposed to be 60.

@Ryan J Bennett: yeah i didn't see it either. at least it's only 10 dollars more. so when they release the dlc it should be 10-15 hopefully.

@WildTangent01: pretty much the same character. his special in final fight was the lariat, which zangief had. plus in saturday night slam masters he had zangief's 360 piledriver( which was a standard piledriver in final fight) these similarities is why i think that's he was the last to be added (out of the final fight

@Baboonski: it'll probably be like diablo on ps and all the other console hack and slash. as much as a pc snob as i am today. i didn't have a pc when diablo 1 came out, and played it on ps1.

@kujel: haha. it's going to be more expensive as well. i got it for 5 on pc.

it's a great game.i'm glad it's coming out for consoles because when i worked at a game store, this type of game was what so many couples asked about/for. after norrath they would ask what else was there, after dark alliance and the marvel games that was it for a while. (i am assuming there will be co-op added.)

hahaha santa playing super meat boy!

@Baboonski: i pretty much buy all my games this way. offline does work(most of the time) as long as you have played it a few times in online mode. you have to be careful though if you play offline for a long time. some programs that clean your temp files will delete the files it needs for offline mode.uniblue speed up