
The only incestuous couple I ever rooted for was Margot and Richie Tenenbaum. I still hope those crazy kids made it work.

The entire internet-wide response to Mad Max is actually just the work of a few interns planted to distract people from the real media event of the summer, Scream.

Okay, earnest follow-up to a lazy joke post: Not to my knowledge. Though the KKK apparently made inroads there in the 1920s.

The Hustle is the funniest possible combination of song and moves the show could have come up with as Fry's people's native dance.

I don't think you understand what the word "Alberta" means.

If true, the fact that the victim is taking this to court at all feels like a minor miracle. The Duggar children don't appear to socialize much outside of their family's Quiverfull sect, so it's a good bet the victim was raised in the same hyper-repressive, patriarchal environment as the Duggars. There's got to be

More to the point, the villains are trying to get the wives back alive, they can't shoot wildly into the cab. The one time the villains get a clear shot at Max, a wife uses herself as a human shield; it's spelled out pretty clearly that's why they're holding back.

It also screwed with his established backstory as the son of freaky beatniks. And that's a fantastic backstory that should not be tampered with.

And a fifth, apparently, but that came out after I outgrew the books, so I don't know anything about it.

I loved the first three books as a kid, but haven't thought about them in years, and I'm oddly pleased to realize they might be legitimately good. As the article notes, the cupboard's magical properties get increasingly elaborate with each book, and the fourth is basically all world-building backstory, but it's a lot

I know it's a holdover from Season 8, but that biohazard bag splattering used band-aids and pus over Homer's face always felt like such a Scully era image.

I have been kind of wondering if it has any shot at a Best Picture nod. The critical response has been rapturous, but I'm not sure that's enough to overcome the inertia against it as an unapologetically weird genre movie released in May.

Sorry, Velocirapstar, but by watching previous seasons of Game of Thrones, you waived all rights to any expression of personal fatigue or dissatisfaction, however mild or facetious, towards any subsequent depictions of suffering that may occur on the show, now or ever.

There's entire stretches of the film that are just people standing around talking. That's normal enough for a film, but it feels weird for a Mad Max film.

I thought it was sour grapes.

Maybe they had a deal worked out with the stilt walkers in the swamp, who apparently live off of the crows there (and who, in fact, may have come from the same Green Place tribe.) The mothers could trade their protection from marauding hordes for whatever the swamp walkers caught, and I don't know, make crow pemmican

I'm quite enjoying Stand Still, Stay Silent (www.sssscomic.com). It's another happier take on a post-apocalyptic world, with Nordic mythology and gorgeous art.

Except Native Americans.

I assume they never update in order to maintain a familiar, non-threatening look for the email-chain forwarding grandparents who need them more than anyone.

And if there had been, I would have been the first in line to complain. I hated Jeyne Poole being tortured just so that her suffering could motivate Theon while she herself remains a cypher.