centristraaaage is a social democrat

I mean, this is standard Union contract stuff. MAYBE he would like new workers to get less, but I’ve found that the more common scenario is that people would like to get more for themselves. Which is exactly how I read his complaint. Because, like I said, this is standard union stuff. That’s why unions lobby hard for

But don’t you care that he has a family?

Sounds like an alcoholic apologizing for beating his wife and kids after getting too drunk and taking out all his rage on his family.

Destination weddings are a great way to transfer all of the costs of a wedding to one’s guests. Because they end up saving the couple a metric shit-ton of money due to the tiny size and typically modest ceremony/party, it’s only fair that they should offer to pay for the wedding party’s flights.

I work from home, and sometimes, just to keep burnout at bay (and assuming I don’t have a tight deadline) instead of opening up OpenOffice and Trello and Slack, I’ll open up American Truck Simulator, turn on the radio, and have a virtual road trip to loosen my brain up.

Our problems stem from the exact opposite. A well entrenched and amoral “elite” of lobbyists and the money that buys them has elevated a selfish and ignorant minority, the republican party, by cynically abusing the undemocratic faults in our Constitution and government, into power.

Is it the will of the people if the president had received fewer votes than their main opponent? Or is it the will of some of the people? 

As an alumnus, I can only agree.

This all drives me nuts. I was sexually assaulted and a man remains in prison. Do you know how he was convicted? On my freaking testimony. It’s not uncommon for someone to be convicted on witness testimony! Ugh. People. PLus this isn’t a trial- his life will go one without bein on the Supreme Court A life much better

That was the Roman senate. One year terms, and couldn’t be consecutive. It meant that only the rich could afford to not work for a year the campaign.


In my own mind, driving home for lunch, I’m thinking, maybe Senator Graham is worried that if White Republican Men start being exposed HE will be exposed, lifelong bachelor that he is.

In a lot of those states and cities, it’s the pension funds that are blamed. But here’s the thing in a lot of cases. The governments negotiated the pensions, and then didn’t pay into the fund. So years go by with no money paid into the fund, and when it’s time to pay out to the retirees, there’s no money and the

What amuses me is your position is “Eff those union guys!” instead of “How can I get in on that level of job security?”

Clearly you’re city isn’t going bankrupt due to all the public sector union perks

Its one of the reasons why unregulated free market capitalism is never healthy for a society. Its ultimately a race to the bottom while the top hoards cash.

Afterall when it comes to the bottom line, a slave labor force you control, pay nothing too until they outlive their usefulness and die making room for a new

You have a typo, where you wrote “unions” I believe you meant to write “bosses”.

This is so so wrong. Everything about being an American worker has suffered as union membership has dropped. 

Bitch.... Michelle O accomplished more in her life BEFORE she became first lady than you and your whole tornado bait trailer trash family have ever even read about. Double Ivy League Graduate. Lawyer. Hospital Administrator. Mother. Go getter. Accomplisher of many things, not the least of which is to be married to a

This shit’s gonna keep piling up. Dudes like Kavanaugh don’t stop with one, and they only stop being shitty to women when they stop getting hammered three times a week. I went to an Ivy with lots of little Kavanaughs running around; it was the blue-blood private school boys who were always the nastiest pieces of shit