69th minute
69th minute
Crosby’s been punching dicks even before Draymond entered the NBA.
With the current commander in chief the next generation of gamertags will look like XxPussyxXxGrabberxX.
Was the second thing cop cars on fire?
And to think the man who drove him out of the city is now unemployed. PK would have thrived in Julien’s coaching scheme.
Now if you’re here for a sad penguin, let Werner Herzog narrate this footage of a depressed penguin trudging off into the wasteland to die.
It’s about time we got an Inzamam Ul-Haq-incarnate for the current crop of cricketers.
Are him and Munenori Kawasaki related?
This. My season high is 2433 and I dropped down to 2109 because of players thinking they’re the shit instead of doing what’s best for the team.
+1 discounted sofa
LOL, this comes up at least once a year. It’s gif of Bobrovsky dancing. Not a fan of the Flyers, just the player.
I miss the videos from the Shanahan era. At least they would explain the reasoning behind their decision. Now it’s back to the dark ages of Colin Campbell where we just have to guess their justification.
I’m going with...five games.
Is Charles Oakley a shoe-in for the Deadspin Hall of Fame?
RIP Francis Coquelin
He wasn’t the only one. The whole team did.
Drew, my man, don’t become “Old Man Yells at Cloud.”
but I swear that’s not some bullshit macho posturing from me, where I’m like GRRRRRR I ONLY WATCH MAN STUFF LIKE PORNOS WHERE TWO CHICKS ARE DOIN’ IT GRRRRRR.
This Steve Porter mashup of Don Cherry is pretty dope too