
The "huh" at 1:24 makes the video.

It's not totally ESPN's fault, students and alumni from both colleges can't tell the difference either.

+1 Jofa helmet


No need to worry according to Dr. Jerry Jones.

You really couldn't peg him for a creep even after using this picture from your Adrian Dater story a few months ago?

They cut out some hot Darryl Sutter tongue action at the end.

"Damn it they're not getting my good side."

Is he removing biscuit crumbs from his beard?

"The more they call on you to resign, the more motivated you are to continue," he said.

He's just a lamer version of Duke Silver.

What were some potential names for this site before "Deadspin" was chosen?

Vodka Samm must be reverse-aging like Benjamin Button.

If it's anything like this show on Rogers public access television in the Greater Toronto Area, then it'll be bad.