
It's signal runs out about 3 miles away from my house.

I can't wait to throw a Wii Controller through it

@Alexander Riccio: Yep...Still can't log in via Facebook Connect on any computer except this one

@trisham: Ironic that Enemy #1 of Privacy saved me from getting hacked :)

Strange. I'm still logged on to this computer via Facebook log in however the facebook log-in option on my other computers are gone.

@Settings: That's exactly what happened. This grad student found a lot of round stones around the site and the theory sprung up around that.

@gamerjason88: You may want to check the batteries in your sarcasm detector

Mandate third party line leases, break up local government provider monopolies and establish small co-op T3 line sharing schemes.

@gamerjason88: I don't understand. the free market we live in, the best system EVER, won't allow this.

Free Market Capitalism works!

Solidworks, CNC machine, Cheap Plastic= Free advertising for your shitty website

Vizios have always made good TVs especially considering the price point v Sony, Samsung, etc.

Also pictured: