@T2k: I actually wrote Senator Barbara Boxer a formal letter, an email and called her office regarding this. She is also on the TSA oversight committee
@nacatak: Interesting....
@Morlay: They do though.
@RainyDayInterns: Just because there wasn't a televised outrage don't think that there wasn't.
@pettiblay: We have to rely on the Constitution because we really, really suck at common sense at times
I'm not gay so go ahead and take their rights away.
The government has done a great job in allowing us to forgo our rights for convenience
I'm surprised that AppleTV 2 has come out the winner in this years video race.
@scottlandk: They are just looking for those who will most easily comply at this point.
You forgot to add 'the worse form factor...ever'
@KillerBee: First thing I thought of when I saw the name 'Blogger Bob'
Looks great but I refuse to give the bastards at Dish Network any more money.
@mricyfire: This.
@GadgetGuy247: Is it true they decided to go with Xfinity because it's harder to rhyme and Orange was already taken?
Not sure if it's Comcast being Comcrapstic again but my WiFi performance seems a bit slower since the update
@pwnerjam6.0: I think it comes down to the sorts.
Having dealt with overnight shipping carriers for years UPS is clearly the best solution although they are pretty lousy responding to lost/mis-routed packages
@QoB: That looks like a crack or seam in the wall to me