
@Iamnivek: Subprime had very little to do with loans to minorities and everything to do with derivatives, packaging as AAA securities and out-right fraud.

@Diogenes-the-Cynic: Tempered enthusiasm is something you'll learn as you get older.

Obama has done the job I expected him to do. Maybe he could have been a bit more attack minded against the Tea Party/GOP but he chose to take the moral high ground which I applaud him for although it probably wasn't the best route politically.

@DBX00: Not true at all. There are plenty of educated Americans that are squeezed out by HB1-A Visas and off-shoring of jobs simply because companies will hire a foreign worker for less wage if the foreign worker can meet the bare minimum of the job duties.

Here we go on the political front...

You can take my silly string when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers!!!!

@RubiksCube: That is totally 'EXREME'!!!!!!!!!!!!

@lostalaska: He will certainly be perplexed by the various leaders

Hope he doesn't download Civ Revolution

I switched from a Netgear Duo to an Airport Extreme about 3 months ago.

Sometimes, the internet is bad.

No Problem.

Alternative Title:

That's all right, Apple.