
What the heck is mail?

@GadgetGuy247: If only the dead whale was removing something from it's crotch then it would be a wee bit closer to the original phote

Is it just me or is the entire raison d'etre for the under 25 crowd is to be in a reality show?

I just really want folders and a unified inbox at this point. If Apple could give us a 3.9 update with that I'd be happy to wait til November for the new stuff

Gallon sized Ziplock Bag FTW

@theamazingpete: I hope that equation is Caucasian with a white beard or we are going to be stuck with a lot of artwork that's not accurate

God does tend to get more marginalized as science advances.

@blackval0r: I know...hypocrisy at it's finest

Can you run over prostitutes and get your money back?

@desi214: Got it now, thanks!

I still can't download it. Still stuck on 9.2.1

@flame500: HDMI shouldn't need it.

Oh Boy...Apple just killed off my WD Tv live at $100

Simple and brilliant.

@norazi: What he explained was that they do take 3 separate, quick succession photos at different EVs.

Crap. Video just glitched back to the beginning

Crap. Video just glitched back to the beginning